I need to change the names of the two column headings for [Primary earning code]. There are only two possibilities: 1 and 2. I would like 1 to say FTE1 and 2 to say FTE2. This is needed to interface another DB for running reports.
TRANSFORM Sum(Sheet1.TotalHours) AS SumOfTotalHours
SELECT Sheet1.JobCode, Sum(Sheet1.TotalHours) AS [Total Of TotalHours]
FROM Sheet1
GROUP BY Sheet1.JobCode
PIVOT Sheet1.[Primary Earning Code];
TRANSFORM Sum(Sheet1.TotalHours) AS SumOfTotalHours
SELECT Sheet1.JobCode, Sum(Sheet1.TotalHours) AS [Total Of TotalHours]
FROM Sheet1
GROUP BY Sheet1.JobCode
PIVOT Sheet1.[Primary Earning Code];