Hi everyone, I work in the educational industry and we receive a lot of work orders asking for password resets. I've been working on my own html vbscript that will reset a designated user on My local machine (I'm testing as much as I can locally so I don't threaten compromising our AD system.) I created a user named "test" which I'm trying to manipulate. The problem is: It doesn't seem to successfully use GetObject to get the username from my computer. I do see my "[DEBUG] Attempting to find user" message, but nothing after that.
Here is the script I'm trying to use
<TITLE>x Password Change 0.1</TITLE>
<script language="VBScript">
dim variable , user
user = InputBox("Username?")
password = InputBox("Password?")
document.write("[DEBUG] Attempting to find " &user)
Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://machine-name/ " &user)
document.write("[DEBUG] found user: " &user)
objUser.SetPassword " " &password
document.write("AJUSD Password change successful for user: " &user)
document.write("Password was set to: " &password)
<a href=" here to go back to the ticket page</a>
I've tried taking out the &user variable after my GetObject command, just and just using: Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://machine-name/test") but that doesn't work either
I know someone may laugh at me, but it's an honest attempt
Any point in the right direction would be much appreciated! Thank you so much!
Here is the script I'm trying to use
<TITLE>x Password Change 0.1</TITLE>
<script language="VBScript">
dim variable , user
user = InputBox("Username?")
password = InputBox("Password?")
document.write("[DEBUG] Attempting to find " &user)
Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://machine-name/ " &user)
document.write("[DEBUG] found user: " &user)
objUser.SetPassword " " &password
document.write("AJUSD Password change successful for user: " &user)
document.write("Password was set to: " &password)
<a href=" here to go back to the ticket page</a>
I've tried taking out the &user variable after my GetObject command, just and just using: Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://machine-name/test") but that doesn't work either
I know someone may laugh at me, but it's an honest attempt