I'm really unsure how to go about doing this right now so I don't have any real code. But here's what I want to do.
I have a DIV on my page
I also have a cfform
* The onclick above is just what I am assuming I need to do. If there is a better way then using onclick... maybe bind?
If idCode checks out in my database I want to return a value from the database then use javascript to subtract the returned value from the value contained in idValue. The problem I have is that I want this done in real time using ajax instead of having to reload the page. I kind of have a hand on bind in cfselect, but I have never used it with cfinput and a button. Is it possible? How do I get the returned coldfusion value into my javascript to change the innerHTML of idValue? Should I maybe use a locked <cfinput> or <cfdiv bind=""> instead of a <div> for idValue?
Here's my CFC as it stands. There may be some syntax errors in it as I haven't tested it yet, but you can get the jist of what I'm trying to do.
I really appreciate any help I can get.
I have a DIV on my page
<div id="idValue">$5.00</div>
I also have a cfform
<cfinput id="idCode" type="text" value="">
<cfinput id="idButton" type="button" onclick="*Check my idCode against my mySQL database in a CFC or CFM*">
* The onclick above is just what I am assuming I need to do. If there is a better way then using onclick... maybe bind?
If idCode checks out in my database I want to return a value from the database then use javascript to subtract the returned value from the value contained in idValue. The problem I have is that I want this done in real time using ajax instead of having to reload the page. I kind of have a hand on bind in cfselect, but I have never used it with cfinput and a button. Is it possible? How do I get the returned coldfusion value into my javascript to change the innerHTML of idValue? Should I maybe use a locked <cfinput> or <cfdiv bind=""> instead of a <div> for idValue?
Here's my CFC as it stands. There may be some syntax errors in it as I haven't tested it yet, but you can get the jist of what I'm trying to do.
<cffunction name="getPromoCode" access="remote" returntype="string">
<cfargument name="fInputPromoCode" type="string" required="true">
<cfquery name="qGetPromoCode" datasource="#datasource#">
SELECT code, value, expire
FROM tblPromoCodes
WHERE code = #ARGUMENTS.fInputPromoCode#;
<cfif qGetPromoCode.recordCount = 0>
<cfset myValue = "Invalid Promo Code">
<cfelseif (DateFormat(qGetPromoCode.expire, "MM/DD/YYYY") lt DateFormat(Now(), "MM/DD/YYYY")) OR (qGetOromoCode.expire is "Infinity")>
<cfset myValue = DollarFormat(qGetPromoCode.value)>
<cfset myValue = "Expired Promo Code">
<cfreturn myValue>
I really appreciate any help I can get.