I'm traying to use this forumla, but I have an error
" "monday 2099-01-01" - A Data-time is required here "
if {Command.Data} = "monday 2099-01-01" then "Total" else {Command.Data}
If {Command.Data} is a datetime field, then use a formula like:
if {Command.Data} = datetime(2099,01,01,0,0,0) then "Total" else totext({Command.Data},"MM.yyyy")
However, if this results in incorrect sorting, then use {command.data} as your crosstab column, and while you have it highlighted within the crosstab expert, go to "group options"->customize group name->use formula as group name->x+2 and enter the formula there. This will allow the correct sort.
i have a quastion , which new forumla I must creato to insert this example ??? I'm doing
I'm runing the Formula Workshop and :
FormatingFormula->Report Headre->CrossTab1->New Formating Formula , but there are only background , font name, font color etc.
Sorry for so hopeless questions , but i have no experience with CR
You need to go into the crosstab expert. You can right click on the upper left (empty) corner of the crosstab->crosstab expert->highlight your column field (use your datetime field as it is)->group options (right below the column field) in CR XI->options tab->customize group name->use a formula as a groupname->x+2 and enter it there.
I have another question yet.
This formula returns me "Toatal" for the last Column 0 It's OK. But rest of the columns have heading "01.2000" ,"02.2000" ..... . Only months and years.
I'd like that formula returned me "monday 10.01.2000" , "friday 20.02.2000" ...... - ALL PARTS OF DATE - day's name day.month.year
Is this Possible ??
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