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CGI Error

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Feb 5, 2003
Hi !
Help me how to solve this problem ?

I have index.pl and ttmtech.pl(perl package) in the same directory still it gives following error when i hit the browser with index.pl

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

Couldn't open error log: No such file or directory
Compilation failed in require at D:\InetPub\myttmtech devel\admin1\index.pl line 6.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:\InetPub\myttmtech devel\admin1\index.pl line 6.

at line 6 is as below :

use ttmtech;

What should be the reason for this error ?


First your program is not able to compile in perl interpreter because of some sort fo syntax error or permissions error.

Try running it via commanline, i.e.

perl index.pl

and see what the output is. If everything is okay, you will see some html output. If it isn't you will see some perl errors, and you will need to debug them before running from a web browser.
Hi bpinos

Thanks for your reply.

I did as below :

c:\perl\admin>perl index.pl
Couldn't open error log: permission denied.
Compilation failed in require at index.pl line 6.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at index.pl line 6.

what is the reason for this ? Is there any permission problem ? Can you help me.


hmmm... If I had to guess, I would say that there is a line in the code which attempts to open up an error log, possibly in a directory that you don't have pemission to. So it causes the script to die.

If you post your script, or at least the first 10 lines or so (since the error is in line six) I will look at it and see how I can help you.
Hi bpinos

Thanks for your immediate reply.
here is the code of index.pl upto six line

sub BEGIN { push (@INC, 'D:\InetPub\myttmtech devel\Admin1') } # For our module.

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use ttmtech;

Does the account that runs the webserver have permissions to:

D:\InetPub\myttmtech devel\Admin1

Hi ! bpinos

yes,everyone has permission on
D:\InetPub\myttmtech devel\Admin1

Is there any other possibility for this error ? I am really stuck.

I will need to see more of the code so I can trace it through and figure out why it is dying...
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