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CFMail with attachment error

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Jan 16, 2001
The goal is simple. Allow a user to fill out a form, browse for a file, and submit the form. The info is received by a template which e-mails the form data with the file attached.

The e-mail and info sends fine, but when I try to use either mimeattach or cfmailparam to attach the file, I get the following error from my browser:

Unable to attach file.

Cannot attach 'C:\DATA\Backup Webs\scoutdoors\images\bigshot.jpg' to the mail message. The file does not exist.

This happens with any file I try to attach and with both mimeattach and cfmailparam tags. Any help is appreciated as I really don't know what else to try.


This might be silly but I see a space in your path name, is that actually supposed to be there? If so it might need to be translated. I believe the correct translation for a space in a URL is %20 but I'm not possitive.

'C:\DATA\Backup Webs\scoutdoors\images\bigshot.jpg'

hope it helps. Otherwise post your code and lets have a look at it.
Hey thanks for taking this on. I did have a space in the directory on my harddrive. When I removed it, however, I got the same error. The sending template 1 and receiving template 2 code is listed below. The current URL for the page is if you'd like to try to attach for yourself. There is a funky CF tag that runs 3 of the SELECT boxes and inserts some JavaScript. Could that be interferring somehow?

template 1: (minus the table garbage and other field info)
<cfform action=&quot;list_request_send.cfm&quot; method=&quot;POST&quot; name=&quot;list_request&quot;>
<div align=&quot;right&quot;>Logo:</div>
<input type=&quot;file&quot; name=&quot;Image&quot; size=&quot;45&quot;>
<input type=&quot;submit&quot; name=&quot;Submit&quot; value=&quot;Send Request&quot; class=&quot;button&quot;>

template 2:
<!--- Begin Send Listing Request --->
<cfmail to=&quot;valerie@suresource.net&quot; from=&quot;valerie@suresource.net&quot; subject=&quot;Listing Request from Website&quot;>
<cfmailparam file=&quot;#Form.Image#&quot;>
Listing Request from SCOutdoors.com

========= Contact Information =========
Name: #ContactName#
E-Mail: #ContactEmail#
Phone: #ContactPhone#

========= Listing Information =========
This contact #Preferred# interested in more information about a preferred listing.

Company Name: #BizName#
Phone: #BizPhone#
Website Address: #Link#
Description: #Description#
Specialty: #Specialty#
Type: #Type#
Area: #Area#
<cfif image is not &quot;&quot;>
A logo is attached
No logo was submitted
<!--- End Send Listing Request --->
Hey Chloeee,

When you're attempting to upload a file via a form submission, your <form> tag must have the encType=&quot;multipart/form-data&quot; attribute. Also, you don't show the code for the <cffile action=&quot;upload&quot;...> which is required to receive the file and write it to your hard drive. Once <cffile> does this, you can access the file by its true name on the server with #cffile.serverFile# and not #form.image#.

Hope this helps,
I need the file to attach to the email being sent, not write itself to the server. Do I need to incorporate an upload somehow with the mimeattach or cfmailparam?
Unless they've changed <cfmail> with 4.5, you can't send the file straight to <cfmail> as <cfmail> looks for a file on the server's hard disk. You'll need to use <cffile> to upload and then <cfmail> to attach the file where <cffile> left it. You'll probably want to then do a <cffile action=&quot;delete&quot;...> to remove it after you've mailed it.

Ahhh... very cool. I'm sure that will do it. I wonder why they didn't say in the docs or in my manual. *sigh* Thank you so much. I'll let you know Monday if it was a no go on that. Enjoy the weekend!

Sorry I didn't get back to you on that Chloeee, I was out for the morning looks like GunJack gave you the run down on the mail atatchment though.

This worked BEAUTIFULLY! Thanks guys!
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