How can you sue <cfinvoke> when the client's supposed WSDL file looks like:
My problem is I need to submit a zipcode to the client first, get a response. If the repsonse says 'valid' then continue submitting rest of the information.
And I get this error when I use <cfinvoke>
Web service operation "Apply_pingSoapIn" with parameters {ZipCode={10022},} could not be found.
The error occurred in D:\INETPUB\ line 5
3 : method="Apply_pingSoapIn"
4 : returnvariable="AppID" username="*******" password="******">
5 : <cfinvokeargument name="ZipCode" value="10022"/>
6 : </cfinvoke>
7 :
What do I do?
Just Imagine.
My problem is I need to submit a zipcode to the client first, get a response. If the repsonse says 'valid' then continue submitting rest of the information.
And I get this error when I use <cfinvoke>
Web service operation "Apply_pingSoapIn" with parameters {ZipCode={10022},} could not be found.
The error occurred in D:\INETPUB\ line 5
3 : method="Apply_pingSoapIn"
4 : returnvariable="AppID" username="*******" password="******">
5 : <cfinvokeargument name="ZipCode" value="10022"/>
6 : </cfinvoke>
7 :
What do I do?
Just Imagine.