I am having problem with a cfinsert. I am using a dropdown on one form to dynamically choose a table and then using a cfif to determine which table it will go to. I am using cfset inside the form to make sure the info passes again and when I get to inserting the data I get an error interpreting the cfinsert. I need help. Here is the code
<cfif #item_opt# IS "RING">
<form action="insert_ring.cfm" methode="post"><p>
<cfset item_opt="RING">
<input type="text" name="ITEMNUMBER" size="15" maxlength="15">
<input type="text" name="METAL" size="50" maxlength="50">
Price per size
<input type="text" name ="PRICE_PER_SIZE"size="15" maxlength="15">
<input type="text"name="STONE" size="50" maxlength="50">
Smallest size
<input type="text"name="MIN_SIZE" size="15" maxlength="15>
Largest size
<input type="text" name="MAX_SIZE" size="15" maxlength="15">
<input type="submit" Value="Add item">
Here is the code for inputting the data
<cfinsert datasource="ITEMS" tablename="form.item_opt">
<cfoutput>Item added to '#form.item_opt#'</cfoutput>
I get this error
ODBC Error Code = S1C00 (Driver not capable)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Optional feature not implemented
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFINSERT), occupying document position (10:1) to (10:55).
<cfif #item_opt# IS "RING">
<form action="insert_ring.cfm" methode="post"><p>
<cfset item_opt="RING">
<input type="text" name="ITEMNUMBER" size="15" maxlength="15">
<input type="text" name="METAL" size="50" maxlength="50">
Price per size
<input type="text" name ="PRICE_PER_SIZE"size="15" maxlength="15">
<input type="text"name="STONE" size="50" maxlength="50">
Smallest size
<input type="text"name="MIN_SIZE" size="15" maxlength="15>
Largest size
<input type="text" name="MAX_SIZE" size="15" maxlength="15">
<input type="submit" Value="Add item">
Here is the code for inputting the data
<cfinsert datasource="ITEMS" tablename="form.item_opt">
<cfoutput>Item added to '#form.item_opt#'</cfoutput>
I get this error
ODBC Error Code = S1C00 (Driver not capable)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Optional feature not implemented
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFINSERT), occupying document position (10:1) to (10:55).