I have two CFFTP commands on my site. One works and the other returns an error: "No response from server."
The code that works is a rename action and the putfile action fails, both work fine on the local CF server however on the live one they fail.
Code is :
<CFFTP username="mcgovej" password="#Pword#" server="business.intra.com"
stoponerror="Yes" action="PUTFILE" transfermode="BINARY" localfile="c:\REPweb\#jmFile#"
remotefile="/webuser/nbc/smereporting/#jmFile#" connection="rw_ftp"> [sig][/sig]
The code that works is a rename action and the putfile action fails, both work fine on the local CF server however on the live one they fail.
Code is :
<CFFTP username="mcgovej" password="#Pword#" server="business.intra.com"
stoponerror="Yes" action="PUTFILE" transfermode="BINARY" localfile="c:\REPweb\#jmFile#"
remotefile="/webuser/nbc/smereporting/#jmFile#" connection="rw_ftp"> [sig][/sig]