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cfchart and cfchartdata question. Kindly help!

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Nov 20, 2003
Hello everybody, I really need someone to help me here. I'm new to charting. I'm developing a graphical interface to report the no of jobs logged in a period. The x axis displays the period (days) and the y-axis displays the number of jobs logged in a given day.

The data is pulled from the jobs table. The job logged date value is stored in the logdateTime column. I've written a stored procedure to get the count of jobs logged in a given day. Here is the code.

<cfquery name="qJobsLogged" datasource="dbname">
EXEC countJobsLogged
@startdatedate = '2005/02/01',
@stopdate = '2005/02/28'

<!-- sp code starts here -->
CREATE proc countJobsLogged @startdate datetime, @stopdate datetime


set nocount on

declare @x datetime,
@count int

create table #temp_report(
dtlogged varchar(15),
jobsCount int

select @x = @startdate

while @x <= @stopdate
select @count = isnull(count(1),0) from call
where logdatetime >= @x + '00:00:00' and logdatetime <= @x + '23:59:59'

insert into #temp_report
values(convert(varchar(15),@x,106), @count)

select @x = dateadd(d, 1, @x)

select * from #temp_report

drop table #temp_report

set nocount off
<!-- sp code ends here -->

The above sp loops from the user selected start date to the user selected end date and returns a resultset showing the no of jobs logged. Ex

10 01 Feb 2005
20 02 Feb 2005
30 03 Feb 2005

Here is how I'm building the chart

<cfset scTo=evaluate(ArrayMax(ListToArray(valuelist(qJobsLogged.jobsCount)))+1)>

<cfchart show3d="yes" gridlines="#evaluate(scTo+1)#" labelformat="number" scalefrom="0" scaleto="#scTo#" format="jpg" xAxisTitle="log date" yAxisTitle="jobs logged" chartheight="300" chartwidth="450" showxgridlines="yes" showygridlines="yes" seriesplacement="default">
<cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="Jobs Logged">
<cfloop query="qJobsLogged">
<cfchartdata item="#qJobsLogged.DTLOGGED#" value="#qJobsLogged.jobsCount#">

The above code builds the graph with the data returned by the query. So far, so good. I want each data point in the bar chart to give me a break-down of urgent jobs, critical jobs, normal jobs and jobs fixed on time.

I guess what I'm trying to say is take the results returned from the sp above and instead of just displaying a bar chart showing the count of jobs
logged in day, I want the chart to show me the urgent, critical, normal jobs for a particular day. I really hope this is making sense. The job priority information is in the jobPriority column in the job table.
Job Priorities

Urgent - 5
Critical - 4
Normal - 3


Jobs logged on 01 Feb 2005 - 10.
Urgent jobs - 4, Critical jobs - 4, Normal Jobs - 2

Can somebody show me the sql to get this information and the code to build the chart

I would really appreciate your help

Best regards
<cfchart show3d="yes" gridlines="#evaluate(scTo+1)#" labelformat="number" scalefrom="0" scaleto="#scTo#" format="jpg" xAxisTitle="log date" yAxisTitle="jobs logged" chartheight="300" chartwidth="450" showxgridlines="yes" showygridlines="yes" seriesplacement="default">
<cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="Jobs Logged">
<cfloop query="qJobsLogged">
<cfchartdata item="#qJobsLogged.DTLOGGED#" value="#qJobsLogged.jobsCount#">

you shouldn't use <cfloop> instead something like

<cfchartseries type="bar" query="qJobsLogged" valuecolumn="jobsCount" itemcolumn="Name_ofTheJob" serieslabel="urgent" >
<cfchartseries type="bar" query="qJobsLogged" valuecolumn="jobsCount" itemcolumn="Name_ofTheJob" serieslabel="critical" >
<cfchartseries type="bar" query="qJobsLogged" valuecolumn="jobsCount" itemcolumn="Name_ofTheJob" serieslabel="normal" >

this will display 3 bars for each day indicating
Urgent - 5
Critical - 4
Normal - 3
Hi there, thanks a ton for replying to my query. I have done just what you asked me to. I'm having a problem with the values on the y-axis.

<cfset scTo=evaluate(ArrayMax(ListToArray(valuelist(qJobsLogged.JOBCOUNT)))+1)>

<cfchart show3d="yes" gridlines="#evaluate(scTo+1)#" labelformat="number" scalefrom="0" scaleto="#scTo#" format="jpg" xAxisTitle="log date" yAxisTitle="jobs logged" chartheight="300" chartwidth="450" sortxaxis="no" showborder="yes" showxgridlines="yes" showygridlines="yes" seriesplacement="stacked" font="Arial" fontsize="12" fontbold="yes">
  <cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="Critical" query="qJobsLogged" itemcolumn="DTLOGGED" valuecolumn="JOBCOUNT">
  <cfif qJobsLogged.jobPriorityCode eq 1>	
	<cfchartdata item="#qJobsLogged.DTLOGGED#" value="#qJobsLogged.JOBCOUNT#">
  <cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="Urgent" query="qJobsLogged" itemcolumn="DTLOGGED" valuecolumn="JOBCOUNT">
  <cfif qJobsLogged.jobPriorityCode eq 2>	
  	<cfchartdata item="#qJobsLogged.DTLOGGED#" value="#qJobsLogged.JOBCOUNT#">
  <cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="Normal" query="qJobsLogged" itemcolumn="DTLOGGED" valuecolumn="JOBCOUNT">
  <cfif qJobsLogged.jobPriorityCode eq 3>	
	  <cfchartdata item="#qJobsLogged.DTLOGGED#" value="#qJobsLogged.JOBCOUNT#">
  <cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="Other" query="qJobsLogged" itemcolumn="DTLOGGED" valuecolumn="JOBCOUNT">
  <cfif qJobsLogged.jobPriorityCode gt 3>	
	  <cfchartdata item="#qJobsLogged.DTLOGGED#" value="#qJobsLogged.JOBCOUNT#">

Now then, the variable srcTo stores the Max count no of jobs logged in a day. In my case it is 87. When I run this code, the values displayed on the y-axis are "27.7, 83, 138.4, 193.8, 249.1, 304.5". As you can see these are of type float.

If I run the code with just one chartseries, the values get correctly displayed.

<cfset scTo=evaluate(ArrayMax(ListToArray(valuelist(qJobsLogged.JOBCOUNT)))+1)>

<cfchart show3d="yes" gridlines="#evaluate(scTo+1)#" labelformat="number" scalefrom="0" scaleto="#scTo#" format="jpg" xAxisTitle="log date" yAxisTitle="jobs logged" chartheight="300" chartwidth="450" sortxaxis="no" showborder="yes" showxgridlines="yes" showygridlines="yes" seriesplacement="stacked" font="Arial" fontsize="12" fontbold="yes">
  <cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="Critical" query="qJobsLogged" itemcolumn="DTLOGGED" valuecolumn="JOBCOUNT">
  <cfif qJobsLogged.jobPriorityCode eq 1>	
  	<cfchartdata item="#qJobsLogged.DTLOGGED#" value="#qJobsLogged.JOBCOUNT#">

"6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78"

Any thoughts?

could you try using NumberFormat() function to eliminate decimals ?
tried it already. Didn't work. when I output srcto outside the cfchart tag, the value is 88
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