For years I've been using plink.exe to stream TCPDUMP from an MBG/MCD/MAS directly into Wireshark in order to analyze what's really happening at the NIC level.
This is the Windows command that I run, derived from thread1329-1622565 / slapin:
plink.exe -ssh -pw <<PASSWORD>> root@<<IP ADDRESS OF TARGET>> "tcpdump -ni <<NIC>> -s 0 -w - <<TCPDUMP FILTER>>" | "C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -k -i -
This is great for SIP Trunk troubleshooting, I can analyze any combination of packets coming into or out of a MBG/MCD/MAS/etc, in real time and export if needed. Downside is that this process is manual, and although I have a text file of commands for the various targets that I usually connect to, the root password isn't stored in plain text so I copy/paste/type every time.
I currently have 23 MBG/MCD/MAS that I could potentially want to monitor.
I'd like to find a solution or product that can automate all of this. One time initial configuration of a capture (varying intervals based on capture size or duration), specify the target and credentials (certificate based perhaps), set it and watch the data stream happen. I've had Mitel Performance Analytics in the past, but didn't experience any value out of it. I also don't believe that MPA was capable of such granular troubleshooting either, although I could be wrong..
voipmonitor dot org caught my eye, and it sounds like a useful tool, but their approach requires additional appliances mirroring network traffic beside the target to be monitored. That translates to more infrastructure to support.
Does any existing solution jump to mind? Should I just get to work on scheduled tasks and manually configure some level of automation?