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Centillion 100 MCP 4

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Technical User
Apr 3, 2001
I have a Centillion 100 chassis with multiple etherspeed switch cards (16 port) and one ATMspeed/155 card with MCP port. I'm currently unable to communicate with the MCP port (cabling issue I think), but would like to just use the etherspeed cards as switches. When I connect to cisco devices and try to pass data (ping) I get no response, debugging tells me that I have an encapsulation failure. Do I have to have an etherspeed card with MCP port to support the etherspeed switch cards, or will the ATM card suffice?

You can use the ATM MCP in conjunction with the etherspeed module, you will need to make sure the software version you are running supports the etherspeed module, do you have Speedview and the correct cable to configure the swicth?
No, I dont' have speedview or a cable...but I just made a cable and have cli access now....

Trying to configure it now...
Password recovery for config mode is a problem now....any easy solutions??
Unfortunately you can only recover the password by contacting Nortel, you need to provide a hex dump of the config and they will provide the password form this dump.
If you want i have the steps for password recovery on c100 or 5000 BH. It is a long procedure, but it works!!!!!

Here goes!!!!
don´t ask me how i got this procedure.
Information for free!

>Follow the procedure required:
>Password Recovery for Centillion/Switches
>1st Method
> The following is the procedure for recovering the password
>from a
>C100 or 5000BH switch from the CLI via a serial connection. If the
>has a copy of the configuration file with the password saved in it,
>refer to
>the Solution "Recovering C100 or 5000BH switch password using DOS".
> If the configuration file is not available, do the
> 1.)
> Go to the what? prompt. The what? prompt can be accessed by
>to the engineering prompt and typing what at the CLI. To access the
>engineering prompt type eng from the config prompt and enter debug as
>password. To exit the what prompt, type the control sequence Ctrl + X.
>Do not type any other characters than stated below, doing so could
>accidental reset of the switch. Do not hit backspace or delete. If a
>is made hit the Esc key.
> Access to what? prompt:
> command>eng
> Please enter password: debug
> eng>what
> what?
> 2.) Ex.
> At the what? prompt, obtain d 0bfc60000 what?d 0bfc60000
> Continue dumping (d<CR>) until 0bfc607FF
> (To continue dumping type only a d at the what prompt)
> Next, obtain d 0bfc70000
> Continue dumping until 0bfc707FF
> Somewhere towards the end of one or both dumps, you will
>find a
>double2C pattern.
> Approximately 12 bytes before this is the password in hex.
>Use a
>hex to ascii conversion table to recover the password.
> The dumps that are being obtained are the configuration
>stored in the switch memory.
> One or both of theses files will contain the password for
> Example:
> BFC70480: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
> BFC70490: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
> BFC704A0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00006261
> BFC704B0: 796E6574 00000000 00000000 00000400
> BFC704C0: 0000012C 0000012C 00000000 00000000
> BFC704D0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
> 6261796E6574 is the password here. Translates to baynet.
> NOTE: In version 2.0.2, password recovery from the CLI is
>possible. Access to the engineering or what? Prompt requires the user
>password. The solution is to RMA the MCP.
> Char Hex Description
> SP 20 Space
> ! 21 Exclamation mark
> &quot; 22 Quotation mark (&quot; in HTML)
> # 23 Cross hatch (number sign)
> $ 24 Dollar sign
> % 25 Percent sign
> & 26 Ampersand
> ` 27 closing single quote (apostrophe)
> (28 Opening parentheses
> ) 29 Closing parentheses
> * 2a Asterisk (star, multiply)
> + 2b Plus
> , 2c Comma
> - 2d Hyphen, dash, minus
> . 2e Period
> / 2f Slant (forward slash, divide)
> 0 30 Zero
> 1 31 One
> 2 32 Two
> 3 33 Three
> 4 34 Four
> 5 35 Five
> 6 36 Six
> 7 37 Seven
> 8 38 Eight
> 9 39 Nine
> : 3a Colon
> ; 3b Semicolon
> < 3c Less than sign (< in HTML)
> = 3d Equals sign
> > 3e Greater than sign (> in HTML)
> ? 3f Question mark
> @ 40 At-sign
> A 41 Uppercase A
> B 42 Uppercase B
> C 43 Uppercase C
> D 44 Uppercase D
> E 45 Uppercase E
> F 46 Uppercase F
> G 47 Uppercase G
> H 48 Uppercase H
> I 49 Uppercase I
> J 4a Uppercase J
> K 4b Uppercase K
> L 4c Uppercase L
> M 4d Uppercase M
> N 4e Uppercase N
> O 4f Uppercase O
> P 50 Uppercase P
> Q 51 Uppercase Q
> R 52 Uppercase R
> S 53 Uppercase S
> T 54 Uppercase T
> U 55 Uppercase U
> V 56 Uppercase V
> W 57 Uppercase W
> X 58 Uppercase X
> Y 59 Uppercase Y
> Z 5a Uppercase Z
> [ 5b Opening square bracket
> \ 5c Reverse slant (Backslash)
> ] 5d Closing square bracket
> ^ 5e Caret (Circumflex)
> _ 5f Underscore
> ` 60 Opening single quote
> a 61 Lowercase a
> b 62 Lowercase b
> c 63 Lowercase c
> d 64 Lowercase d
> e 65 Lowercase e
> f 66 Lowercase f
> g 67 Lowercase g
> h 68 Lowercase h
> i 69 Lowercase i
> j 6a Lowercase j
> k 6b Lowercase k
> l 6c Lowercase l
> m 6d Lowercase m
> n 6e Lowercase n
> o 6f Lowercase o
> p 70 Lowercase p
> q 71 Lowercase q
> r 72 Lowercase r
> s 73 Lowercase s
> t 74 Lowercase t
> u 75 Lowercase u
> v 76 Lowercase v
> w 77 Lowercase w
> x 78 Lowercase x
> y 79 Lowercase y
> z 7a Lowercase z
> { 7b Opening curly brace
> | 7c Vertical line
> } 7d Closing curly brace
> ~ 7e Tilde (approximate)
> 2nd Method
> If you have a copy of the configuration do the following:
> 1) Open MS-DOS prompt.
> 2) Go to directory containing the config file.
> 3) Type in: debug xxx.cfg
> Prompt changes to &quot;-&quot;
> 4) Hit &quot;d<CR>&quot; until the line beginning xxxx:05a0 comes
> Read the convenient ascii decode from the right hand side
>of the
> starting from 05ae.
> 5) Hit &quot;q<CR>&quot; to exit the debug application.
> NOTE: If a copy of the configuration file is not available,
>please refer to the solution:
> &quot;How to recover the password on a C100 of 5000BH switch&quot;.
Steps involve sending a text dump back to Nortel, or something different? I'm interested...
Great...thanks... I'll give it a try.
Hi, we recently got ahold of one of these switches, and it didn't include any cables. I'm wondering if someone might be able to help me out with the pinout for the Mini Din 8 port?

Thanks in advance!!

Nevermind I looked in the documentation.. ;)

Greetings, all. I don't know when this will be answered but here goes, anyway.
I've aquired one of these switches with MCP, ATM module and two 20-port 10/100 etherlink modules and twin power supplies. I've powered it up, watched the lights, then visited Nortel's site. I'm registered with them but it costs to get support from them for anything that I think would be useful.
So, where does one get a copy of the Optivity or Speedview software and are they needed to configure the switch. I copied the &quot;how to recover the password&quot; thread so I have some info to help &quot;get into it&quot; when I need. I would like to make use of the beast.

BTW - I saw robs1's reply of his reading the documentation - where you find? Oh, I found a thread containing a link to Nortel's ftp site and downloaded the SV but I'm afraid to use it after seeing another thread that says to make sure all the rev's match or you could hose the configuration. Boy, that's a bit scary!

So, where do you find docs on the Centillion 100?


Hi, i have downloaded and renamed most of the centillion PDF docs of C100 to C1000 series,
will be linked on soonly.
We are just following the procedure to recover the password of a C100, we have lots of them.

Aany hint for recovering a password on a C1600 would be helpful and any hint to have (even an old) optivity software for evaluation would be apreciated. We got all speedview version on ebay.

thats it
We have a Centillion 100 switch, bought used, no manual or serial cable. I need a serial cale or pinout to create my own. Also, manuals or configuration software. If any of you know where to find any of these, it owuld be greatly appreciated!
You can go to codemicro.com and order part number AS0018003 the 25-pin to 8-DIN cable for the C100. I just need the updated s/w, my switches have been updated.
Someone no where i can download the speedview software?
I just got a centillion 100 i am looking how to connect to it. I have the rigth cabling but i can't find that software
I have purchased an used Centillion 100, it did not come with any manual. I use Hyper Terminal to connect to the RS232 MCP port. I power on the switch and I can only receive this message:

POST not implemented yet!
Returning to MAIN PROM...

I cannot do anything with this prompt. Can anyone tell me how to gain control of the switch? Thanks.
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