I am trying to center the text in the cells of an Excel spreadsheet through vba coding in Access. Does anyone have<br>any ideas for the properties that can be used for this.<br>Thanks
The best way to get sample code is to record a macro, do what you want the program to do, then modify the code to suit your needs.<br><br>Action:<br>RECORD - select "A2" then hit the ctr text button - STOP<br>Result:<br> Range("A2".Select<br> With Selection<br> .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter<br> .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom<br> .WrapText = False<br> .Orientation = 0<br> .ShrinkToFit = False<br> .MergeCells = False<br> End With<br><br>Now you can modify this to just change the alignment:<br>Range("A2".HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter<br><br>Hope this helps!<br><br>
Missed the VBA from Access part. You will need to get/create the Excel object then use vba as if you were in Excel. Include MS Excel library in References.<br><br>'Attach to the active Excel object<br>Set xl = GetObject(, "Excel.Application" <br>If xl Is Nothing Then<br> MsgBox "Could Not Attach to Active Excel Object"<br> 'Do Stuff<br>End If<br><br>'Get handle to the active sheet in ExcelSet <br>xlsh = xl.ActiveSheet <br>xlsh.Range("A2".HorizontalAlighment = xlCenter<br>
Thanks for all of the help.<br>This worked real well to cover all<br>of the cells needed.<br><br>For j = 1 To 250<br> xlSheet.Range(
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