I apologize if this has been answered. I tried using the Search here and on Google but may be using the wrong keywords.
I have two workbooks: one comes from someone and is updated all the time, the other is mine to gather the information out of the first that is relevant to me. I have decided that I need to either have an input row to tell my sheet which rows are mine; or, I need to look for my name in the first column and pull those rows.
I started using the input row format and here is the scenario:
--Outside sheet is in workbook named "MY" and sheet is named "MAIN".
--My workbook is named "MINE" and sheet is named "MINE".
--My name (NAME) appears periodically in column A on MAIN to indicate that row is my information.
--There are period rows in MAIN that do not have a value in column A. These rows contain dates.
--In MINE I want to pull the date then the value in that cell into two columns (DATE, JOB).
So the way I started was to add two rows to the top of MINE for input. My idea was in one of these rows I input which rows contain the dates. In the second I input which rows contain my information.
For example, the input rows in MINE are Row 1, Columns B
contains the row numbers in MAIN that have the dates; Row 2, Columns B
contains the row numbers in MAIN that have my Jobs. Let says the values are B1=4, C1=25, D1=46 and B2=9, C2=30, D2=51.
Now on MINE in cell A4 I want to pull the value in cell B4 from MAIN. The "4" though needs to come from cell B1 on MINE because the row positions in MAIN can change periodically. I want to use that reference because then in MINE!B5 I want the value in MAIN!C4; so the "4" is consistent for that group of 5 days. I'll then do the same with the Jobs associated with my name.
I'm not sure if this input row is best or checking for a string value is better. My problem came about because I wanted to do something like MINE!B5 = MAIN!C(MINE!B1) and I don't know how to put that so Excel likes it.
After I do this I am hoping to create a macro that will create an Outlook appointment for each of these jobs on those dates. I've got the basics of that macro down to create an appointment for the first job but will probably need additional help on that.
I'll start a new thread for that if that's best though.
Thanks in advance and I hope I was clear enough.
I have two workbooks: one comes from someone and is updated all the time, the other is mine to gather the information out of the first that is relevant to me. I have decided that I need to either have an input row to tell my sheet which rows are mine; or, I need to look for my name in the first column and pull those rows.
I started using the input row format and here is the scenario:
--Outside sheet is in workbook named "MY" and sheet is named "MAIN".
--My workbook is named "MINE" and sheet is named "MINE".
--My name (NAME) appears periodically in column A on MAIN to indicate that row is my information.
--There are period rows in MAIN that do not have a value in column A. These rows contain dates.
--In MINE I want to pull the date then the value in that cell into two columns (DATE, JOB).
So the way I started was to add two rows to the top of MINE for input. My idea was in one of these rows I input which rows contain the dates. In the second I input which rows contain my information.
For example, the input rows in MINE are Row 1, Columns B
Now on MINE in cell A4 I want to pull the value in cell B4 from MAIN. The "4" though needs to come from cell B1 on MINE because the row positions in MAIN can change periodically. I want to use that reference because then in MINE!B5 I want the value in MAIN!C4; so the "4" is consistent for that group of 5 days. I'll then do the same with the Jobs associated with my name.
I'm not sure if this input row is best or checking for a string value is better. My problem came about because I wanted to do something like MINE!B5 = MAIN!C(MINE!B1) and I don't know how to put that so Excel likes it.
After I do this I am hoping to create a macro that will create an Outlook appointment for each of these jobs on those dates. I've got the basics of that macro down to create an appointment for the first job but will probably need additional help on that.
Thanks in advance and I hope I was clear enough.