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Celeron vs. AMD

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
Does anyone know how a Celeron 700mhz with intel intergrated graphics would compare to an AMD 950mhz Athlon with a geforce2 MX? How much better would the AMD be better for games? Would it be worth it to spend $200 or $300 more for the AMD?

(sorry if this is the wrong place for this type of question.)
Besides the difference in clock speed, the difference in cache of the processors and the fact that GeForce kicks ass, would definitely make it worth the 2-300 more. I will never go Intel unless AMD somehow goes out of business.


Tech support for 1 1/2 years, Web Development using MySQL, MINTI, Java, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, HTML build computers, C++.
The AMD has really fast but inexpensive chips! An AMD Duron 800Mhz only costs $119! The most expensive AMD chip I know of is the Thunder bird 1.1Ghz @ $399 (the 1Ghz is only $300 :) ). And yes the GeForce 2mx would blow by that Intell graphics nightmare!
an Athlon 'Classic' or 'Thunderbird' 900Mhtz now cost around 160$, and either is rock solid stable, even getting a Duron (which is the competitor to the Celeron) is better, since it's cheaper, and not castorated (Duron can run at 200Mhtz FSB, a Celeron is castorated at 60Mhtz bus speed)

if you are looking at cost effective, and good performance, a Duron is the way to go, with the way intel been behaving lately, I Wouldnt want to go with them at the moment.

One of the main benefits of having a Celeron is the idea that you have a much wider variety of chipsets+motherboards to chose from. AMD sometimes requires a wee bit more maintance to get it to work, depending on how you slap together your system, (if you decide to get an AMD Athlon 'Classic' do not get the Abit KA7 , since it requires being sent in so that the board works with your Geforce2, otherwise the Abit KA7 is perfect for the Athlon)

My recomendation
Athlon 'Classic' = Abit KA7 ( I currently use this with my Athlon 750Mhtz)
Athlon 'Duron' or 'T-Bird' = the Asus brand (I forget model)

I have not had a problem with my Athlon , the only problems I ever had was from an Athlon 600Mhtz, which happened to be a faulty shipment from a company that I am not too pleasant about doing bussiness with.

some online reasources :
pricewatch.com -- A list of pricings for numerous products, and their resellers, showing the lowest prices and such

resellerratings.com -- a site to see rattings given by 3rd party customers/purchasers , its a good idea to stop by this site after finding a reseller that sells the product you want, just to see how they rate (for example some places might have great prices, but poor support, or expensive shipping, or some wont easily allow returned products)

also with a high end card such as a Geforce2 , I'd lean towards Athlon 'Classic' or 'Tbird' , although the 'Duron' falls just shortly under the classic (it has half the cache of the classic, except it has it on-die where as the classic has it offdie)

Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)

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