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CDR Data to FTP using Procomm

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Jan 25, 2006
Hi all,

Now that I have the CDR data streaming I have a script that automatically captures and timestamps a file every 24 hours and saves it locally. Does anyone have a script that will allow me to automatically upload that file via ftp to my server every 24 hours? Ive tried numerous routes with no luck, even scheduler. I can get it to connect to the ftp server and open the remote folder, but the send/receive size is 0 and no transfer occurs.

np ace.

I grabbed it from
;24HourCapture.WAS     v1.0

;*                                                                           *
;* 24HourCapture.WAS                                                         *
;* Copyright (C) 1998 Quarterdeck                                            *
;* All rights reserved.                                                      *
;*                                                                           *
;* Written by:  Quarterdeck ASPECT Assist                                    *
;* 06/23/97                                                                  *
;*                                                                           *                                                                             
;* This script file will give the user the option of either capturing data   *
;* in half hour increments, or in 24 hour increments. The Capture file will  *
;* close after a predefined period of inactivity on the port.                *
;*                                                                           *
;* This ASPECT script is intended only as a sample of ASPECT programming.    *
;* Quarterdeck makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including  *
;* without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or fitness      *
;* for a particular purpose.  Use of this program is at your own risk.       *
;*                                                                           *
;* Technical Support is not provided on this script.                         *                                                                          *

;* MACRO                                                                 *
#define CapFormat 0     ; 0 for 1/2 hour capture file, 1 for 24 hour capture file.
#define FileName 1      ; 0 for fixed name capture file, 1 for time/date file name.
#define CapPath "C:\"   ; Directory for capture files.
#define FixedName "CapFile.CAP"             ;Default set Capture file name.

#define Increment 15    ; Increment in minutes, for specific min. capture file.

#define DialName "Company"     ; The Name of entry to dial back if connection is lost.

;* MAIN                                                                  *
proc main

   when $carrier call DialBack
   set capture path CapPath

;* StartProcess                                                          *
proc StartProcess

   string CapFileName

   while 1
      if FileName                           ;If FileName = 1 set capture to time/date.
         CapFileName = FixedName            ;Else use set capture name.
      set capture file CapFileName          ;Set the capture filename for Procomm.
      capture on                            ;Start the capture file.
      if CapFormat                          ;If CapFormat = 1 start 24hr capture.
         CapHalf()                          ;Else start half hour capture file.

;* DateName                                                              *
proc DateName
param string CapFileName

   string CapTime, CapDate, TempVar1, TempVar2

   TempVar1 = $time24                       ;Get the current time.
   strextract CapTime TempVar1 ":" 0        ;Get hours from time.
   strextract TempVar2 TempVar1 ":" 1       ;Get min. from time.
   strcat CapTime TempVar2                  ;Add min. to hours.
   TempVar1 = $date                         ;Get the current date.
   strextract CapDate TempVar1 "/" 0        ;Get month from date.
   strextract TempVar2 TempVar1 "/" 1       ;Get day from date.
   strcat CapDate TempVar2                  ;Add day to month.
   CapFileName = CapTime                    ;Set filename to time.
   strcat CapFileName CapDate               ;Add date to filename.
   strcat CapFileName ".CAP"                ;Add '.cap' extension to filename.

;* Cap24                                                                 *
proc Cap24

   string StopHour, StopMin, TempTime, TempVar, TempVar2
   integer TempInt, IntHour, IntMin
   TempTime = $time24                       ;Get the current time.
   strextract StopHour TempTime ":" 0       ;Get hours from time.
   strextract StopMin TempTime ":" 1        ;Get min. from time.

   atoi StopHour IntHour                    ;Convert ASCII hour to integer.
   atoi StopMin IntMin                      ;Convert ASCII minute to integer.

   if IntMin > 0
      IntMin = IntMin - 1
      If IntHour > 0
         IntHour = IntHour - 1
         IntHour = 23
      IntMin = 59

   itoa IntHour StopHour                    ;Convert integer hour to ASCII.
   itoa IntMin StopMin                      ;Convert integer minute to ASCII.

   strlen StopHour TempInt 
   if TempInt == 1                        ;If 1 digit number.
      TempVar = StopHour
      StopHour = "0"                      ;Add 0 in front of digit to make it 2 digits.
      strcat StopHour TempVar

   strlen StopMin TempInt 
   if TempInt == 1                        ;If 1 digit number.
      TempVar = StopMin
      StopMin = "0"                      ;Add 0 in front of digit to make it 2 digits.
      strcat StopMin TempVar

   strcat StopHour ":"
   strcat StopHour StopMin                  ;Add minutes to hours.

   while 1
      TempTime = $time24                    ;Get the current time.
      strextract TempVar TempTime ":" 0     ;Get hours.
      strextract TempVar2 TempTime ":" 1    ;Get min.
      strcat TempVar ":" 
      strcat TempVar TempVar2               ;Add min. to hours.
      statmsg "Capture file will stop at %s current time is %s" StopHour TempVar
      if strcmp TempVar StopHour            ;If StopTime = Current time.
         waitquiet                          ;Wait for no terminal activity.
         capture off                        ;Close the capture file.
         exitwhile                          ;Exit the while loop.
         yield                              ;Yield processing time.

;* CapHalf                                                               *
proc CapHalf

   string StopHour, StopMin, TempTime, TempVar, TempVar2
   integer TempInt, IntMin, IntHour
   TempTime = $time24                       ;Get the current time.
   strextract StopHour TempTime ":" 0       ;Get hours from time.
   strextract StopMin TempTime ":" 1        ;Get min. from time.
   atoi StopHour IntHour                    ;Convert ASCII hour to integer.
   atoi StopMin IntMin                      ;Convert ASCII minute to integer.

   IntMin = IntMin + Increment

   if IntMin > 59
      IntMin = IntMin - 60
      if IntHour == 23
         IntHour = 00
         IntHour = IntHour + 1

   itoa IntHour StopHour                    ;Convert integer hour to ASCII.
   itoa IntMin StopMin                      ;Convert integer minute to ASCII.

   strlen StopHour TempInt 
   if TempInt == 1                        ;If 1 digit number.
      TempVar = StopHour
      StopHour = "0"                      ;Add 0 in front of digit to make it 2 digits.
      strcat StopHour TempVar

   strlen StopMin TempInt 
   if TempInt == 1                        ;If 1 digit number.
      TempVar = StopMin
      StopMin = "0"                      ;Add 0 in front of digit to make it 2 digits.
      strcat StopMin TempVar

   strcat StopHour ":"
   strcat StopHour StopMin                  ;Add minutes to hours.

   while 1
      TempTime = $time24                    ;Get the current time.
      strextract TempVar TempTime ":" 0     ;Get hours.
      strextract TempVar2 TempTime ":" 1    ;Get min.
      strcat TempVar ":" 
      strcat TempVar TempVar2               ;Add min. to hours.
      statmsg "Capture file will stop at %s current time is %s" StopHour TempVar
      if strcmp TempVar StopHour            ;If StopTime = Current time.
         waitquiet                          ;Wait for no terminal activity.
         capture off                        ;Close the capture file.
         exitwhile                          ;Exit the while loop.
         yield                              ;Yield processing time.

;* DialBack                                                              *
proc DialBack

   if $carrier == 1
      dial DATA DialName      ; Dial DialName entry.
      while $DIALING          ; Loop while dialing.
      pause 1
      if $CARRIER == 0            ; See if we're connected.
         errormsg "Could not make a connection!"
here is the captureftp .was that captures live data and ftp's the file. I have the file in the local directory and when the srcipt runs, it connects to the server and sends nothing. Everything appears to be ok with the script...my head hurts

;CaptureFTP.WAS     v1.0

;*                                                                           *
;* CaptureFTP.WAS                                                            *
;* Copyright (C) 1998 Quarterdeck                                            *
;* All rights reserved.                                                      *
;*                                                                           *
;* Written by:  Quarterdeck ASPECT Assist                                    *
;* 08/24/98                                                                  *
;*                                                                           *                                                                             
;* This script file captures data to a file from a comm port, and then       *
;* uses the FTP client to send the file to a remote system via FTP           *
;* A time can be specified to start the capture file.                        *
;*                                                                           *
;* This ASPECT script is intended only as a sample of ASPECT programming.    *
;* Quarterdeck makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including  *
;* without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or fitness      *
;* for a particular purpose.  Use of this program is at your own risk.       *
;*                                                                           *
;* Technical Support is not provided on this script.                         *                                                                          *

;* Define                                                                      * 
#define szSTARTTIME "13:16:00"           ;The start time for capture files.
#define szPATH "c:\CDR_Capture"                ;The capture path directory.
#define iQUITTIME 30                     ;The inactivity time to wait for data.
#define szEXT ".cap"                     ;The file extension for cap file.
#define szFTP "ftptransfer"              ;The FTP Connection Directory entry to 
                                         ;upload file

;* MAIN                                                                        * 
proc main

   StartProcess()                        ;Call the StartProcess Procedure.

;* StartProcess                                                                * 
proc StartProcess

   string szTime                         ;String variable to hold the system time. 
   while 1                               ;Loop forever.
      szTime = $time24                   ;Get the system time in 24 hour format.
      if stricmp szSTARTTIME szTime      ;Compare system time with start time
                                         ;and if they are the same...
         StartIt()                       ;Call the StartIt Procedure.
         yield                           ;Yield processor time while looping.

;* StartIt                                                                     * 
proc StartIt

   string szFile, szTemp                 ;String variables to hold file names.

   set modem connection 1                ;Set the connection.
   strextract szFile $date "/" 0         ;Get the year.
   strextract szTemp $date "/" 1         ;Get the month.
   strcat szFile szTemp                  ;Put year and month together and store
                                         ;it in the szFile variable.
   strextract szTemp $date "/" 2         ;Get the day and put it in szTemp.
   strcat szFile szTemp                  ;Combine the day with the szFile variable
                                         ;and store it back in szFile.
   strcat szFile szEXT                   ;Put the file extension at the end of 
                                         ;the file name stored in szFile.
   set capture path szPATH               ;Set the path to store the capture file.
   set capture file szFile               ;Name the capture file with whatever is in
                                         ;the szFile variable.
   capture on                            ;Turn the capture on
   waitquiet iQUITTIME FOREVER           ;Wait for the length of time specified
                                         ;in iQUITTIME.
   capture off                           ;Turn the capture off.
   FTPIt(szFile)                         ;Call FTPIt procedure

;* FTPIt                                                                       * 

proc FTPIt
param string szFile

   PWMode FTP
   pause 3

   FTP LOCAL CHDIR szPath                      ;Set the local dir. to capture path.
   pause 1
   Connect FTP szFTP                           ;Connect to specified FTP site.
   pause 2
   while $ftpstatus
      yield                                    ;Loop while connecting to FTP site.
   pause 1                                     ;Let Procomm update its screen.
   FTP LOCAL COPYFILE szFile                   ;Copy (upload) file to FTP site.
   while $ftpstatus                            ;Yield while transferring file.
   pause 3
   pwmode TERMINAL
   pause 3
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