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CDR capture via TCP/IP on Linux host 16

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Sep 3, 2002
Here is how I got CDR billing sent via TCP/IP to my Linux host:


(add an entry for your billing linux host)

(point your box which host and port it should send billing)

(tell your box how to generate CDR there)
Primary Output Format: customized
Primary Output Endpoint: CDR1
1: date
2: space
3: time
4: space
5: sec-dur
6: space
7: clg-num/in-tac
8: space
9: in-trk-code
10: space
11: dialed-num
12: space
13: code-used
14: return
15: line-feed

Linux host:

(catch the feed from your box)
$ netcat -l -p 50000 >> my-billing.txt &

(watch your billing grow)
$ tail -f my-billing.txt

You should put this in the FAQ...
Ok, it is there. :)
I do not have a page 2 on my CHANGE SYSTEM-PARAMETERS CDR page. Is there a customer option that needs to be turned on?

I'm on Multivantage 1.3 Release 12

Never mind. I figured it out. I didn't have it on customized.


What exactly does this do?

I would be more interesting in running this on a Windows 2000 system.

What has to be running on the Windows system in order for the Definity to pipe it to the Windows system?

#Definity on Efnet
I updated the FAQ to include download instructions for those that dont have Netcat already installed on their systems (Linux/Unix or Windows).

Will you or someone copy and paste a sample of what the data looks like in the report?


#Definity on Efnet
The RAW data coming from the switch with the customized format above looks like this:

011604 1734 00015 7707 2828838 171
011604 1735 00322 8564 3456455 171
011604 1736 00032 7550 2238962 171
011604 1736 00017 5921 3355702 171
011604 1738 00056 7648 8486860 171
011604 1740 00505 5166638722 173 6105
011604 1741 00101 5971 14156365888 172
011604 1741 00023 7690 5315434 171
011604 1742 00002 7622 4372287 171
011604 1742 00119 5952 14156673558 172
011604 1742 00006 5125490300 171 6060
011604 1742 00957 6052 9898226 171
011604 1743 00517 6072 18668383633 171
011604 1743 00222 3109883838 173 5989
011604 1743 00019 9734860001 173 8901

Some of the customized data items are self explanatory but most are not. Does anyone have a document that explains the following options:

acct-code attd-console auth-code bandwidth bcc calling-num
clg-num/in-tac clg-pty-cat code-dial code-used
cond-code date dialed-num duration end-date(4d)
end-time feat-flag frl in-crt-id in-trk-code ins
isdn-cc ixc-code line-feed ma-uui node-num null
out-crt-id ppm res_flag return sec-dur space
start-date start-date(4d) start-time time
tsc_ct tsc_flag vdn


Hope it will help.....
It cover most of the fields.

Call detail record field descriptions

The following list describes the CDR data collected for each call and the number
of digits in each field. All information is right adjusted in the respective field,
unless otherwise indicated. Where the field name for customized records is
different from the standard, the custom field name appears in parentheses.
Access Code Dialed (code-dial) — 3 or 4 digits
The access code the user dialed to place an outgoing call. This can be the
ARS access code, AAR access code, or the access code of a specific trunk
group. This field is also used to record the X.25 Feature Access Code of an
outgoing X.25-addressed call.
Access Code Used (code-used) — 3 or 4 digits
This field is used only for outgoing calls when the trunk group used is
different from the access code dialed. It is not used when a TAC is dialed.
For example, your system may use a feature access code for ARS. This
field contains the access code of the actual trunk group that the call was
routed over. When the dialed and used access code are the same, this field
will be blank.
If you use ISDN or enhanced formats with TELESEER, LSU, or Printer
record types, this field always shows the access code of the trunk group,
even if it is the same as the access code dialed.

Account Code (acct-code) — up to 15 digits
This field may contain a number to associate call information with projects
or account numbers. For some formats, a long account code overwrites
spaces on the record that are assigned to other fields.
Attendant Console (attd-console) — 2 digits
This field contains the attendant console number of the attendant that
handled the call in a record that is marked as being attendant handled.
Authorization Code (auth-code) — 4–13 digits
This field contains the authorization code used to make the call. For all
formats except the custom format, codes longer than 7 digits are truncated,
keeping only the first 7 digits. For non-ISDN and ISDN LSU formats, the
authorization code is fewer than 6 digits in length. It is 5 for Enhanced
LSU. On the 59-character record, the authorization code is never recorded.
Bandwidth — 2 digits
Used to capture the bandwidth of the wideband calls to support H0, H11,
H12, and N x 64 kbps data rates. For Enhanced Expanded, Enhanced
Unformatted and customized record formats, this value is expressed as the
number of DSOs of 64 Kbps channels comprising a call.
Bearer Capability Class (bcc) — 1 digit
This field contains the BCC for ISDN calls, identifying the type of an
ISDN call. It will distinguish between voice and different types of data.
The BCC is a single digit. Any one of the following may appear in this
— 0 = Voice Grade Data and Voice
— 1 = Mode 1 (56 kbps synchronous data)
— 2 = Mode 2 (less than 19.2 kbps synchronous or asynchronous data)
— 3 = Mode 3 (64 kbps data for LAPD protocol)
— 4 = Mode 0 (64 kbps data clear)
— w = Wideband
Intraswitch CDR outputs a value in this field for Wideband calls only.
Calling Number (calling-num) — up to 10 digits (15 for customized
For outgoing or intraswitch calls, this field contains the extension number
of the originating telephone user. For incoming and tandem calls, this field
contains the TAC in standard formats. The fifth digit is the first digit of a
5-digit dialing plan. In formats where the field is less than 7 digits, this also
shows the TAC of the incoming call.
This field shows the calling party number in Unformatted or Expanded
records. If the CPN is not available, this field is blank for both formats.
This field contains the local extension of the noncall-associated/
temporary-signaling connection (NCA-TSC) endpoint when the CDR
record is for an outgoing (or originating) NCA-TSC. This field is blank for
other NCA-TSC CDR records (that is, terminating, tandem, or unsuccessful).
_ Calling Number/Incoming TAC (clg-num/in-tac)
You can use this field on a customized record to display the calling number
if it is available. If calling party number is not available, this field contains
the Incoming TAC. For outgoing calls, this field contains the calling extension.
_ Carriage Return (return)
The ASCII carriage return character followed by a line feed indicates the
end of a call record.
_ Condition Code — 1 character
The condition code indicates what type of call this record describes. For
example, condition code C indicates a conference call, 7 indicates an ARS
call, etc.
Table 51 shows condition codes for most record formats. The 59-character
format uses different condition codes from those used for other record
types. The codes that apply to 59-character records appear in parentheses in
the table.

If the trunk-group CDR Reports field is set to ring, CDR records the ring
time to answer or abandon for incoming calls originated by the trunk
group. In addition, CDR indicates if the incoming destination is busy. This
record is separate from the normal call duration record printed for an
answered call. This information is indicated by the condition code.
When an incoming call originated by a trunk group with this option set is
terminated to an internal destination, the call is tracked from the time
ringing feedback is given to the originator. If the call is answered, a CDR
record is printed with the condition code “G” and the duration reflects the
time between the start of ringing and the answer of the call. If the call is
abandoned before being answered, the system prints a record with the
condition code “H” and the duration reflects the time between the start of
ringing and the time the call was abandoned. If the destination is busy, a
CDR record is printed with the condition code “I” and a duration of 0.

Condition Code overrides
If two condition codes apply to the same call, one code overrides the other.
The matrix below, Table 52 on page 1592, defines the overrides. To use this
matrix, assume that condition codes 7 and A apply to the same call. To find
the condition code that overrides, look at the point of where row 7
intersects column A (or where row A intersects column 7). In this case,
condition code 7 overrides.

_ Date
You can include the date in customized records only. The format is based
on the value of the CDR Date Format field on the CDR System Parameters
_ Dialed Number (dialed-num) — up to 23 digits
This field contains the number dialed. If it is an outgoing call, the field
contains the number dialed by a system user. If it is an incoming call, the
field contains the extension that was dialed (or implied, as in Dialed
Number Identification System). If more than 18 digits are dialed, the least
significant digits (starting from the right) are truncated.
If CDR Privacy is active for the calling number and this is an outgoing call,
the trailing digits of the dialed number are blank in the call record. If more
than 18 digits are dialed, the system truncates the dialed number to 18
digits, then blanks the administered number of digits.
For an outgoing (or originating) NCA-TSC or tandem NCA-TSC, this field
contains the dialed digits used to establish a route to a far-end switch. It
contains the extension of the local extension used as the NCA-TSC
endpoint when it is for a terminating NCA-TSC. For an unsuccessful
NCA-TSC, this field is blank.
The # sign (or E for some formats) may appear in this field in the following
cases for both ARS and TAC calls.
— When the user dials # at the end of digit dialing
— If an outgoing call experiences an interdigit-timeout interaction with
the ARS Analysis table
— When a user dials a TAC for a Look Ahead Interflow (LAI). For
example: A successful LAI to <TAC> 1001 where 1001 is the
remote VDN extension will yield 1001E or 1001# in the Dialed
Number field. The # or E is used by the vector processing software
to indicate the end of dialing.
You can eliminate the # or E as the last digit of the CDR record using the
CDR System Parameters screen.
_ Duration (duration or sec-dur) — 4 digits
This is the duration of the call, recorded in hours (0–9), minutes (00–59),
and to tenths of minutes (0–9). Calls are rounded down in 6-second
increments. Therefore, a call of 5-second duration will be indicated as 0
duration. If 9999 appears in this field, this call was in progress when a time
change was made in the switch.
You can use the customized record format to have the duration reported in
hours/minutes/seconds. This field is called sec_dur.

Feature Flag (feat-flag) — 1 digit
The feature flag indicates whether a call received network answer
supervision, and if the call was interworked in the network. The call
duration starts at the point of receiving the network answer.
You can administer the feature flag (on the CDR System Parameters
screen) to reflect whether an outgoing ISDN call was reported as
interworked by the network.
— A 0 in this field indicates a voice call without network answer
supervision, or NCA-TSC not established.
— A 1 in this field indicates a data call without network answer
— A 2 in this field indicates a voice call with network answer
supervision, but interworked.
— A 3 in this field indicates a data call with network answer
supervision, but interworked.
— A 4 in this field indicates a voice call with network answer
— A 5 in this field indicates a data call with network answer
If the feature flag indicates that the call received network answer
supervision, then the time of answer is accurate, and the recorded duration
is also accurate. If a call does not receive network answer supervision, or
receives answer supervision but is interworked with non-ISDN trunks, the
time of answer is not necessarily accurate. Therefore the recorded duration
for these calls may also not be entirely accurate.
Calls are considered data calls if they use a conversion resource (such as a
modem) and/or originate or terminate on a data module.
_ Format Code — 2 digits
This field contains 2 values: 00 is no PPM; 03 denotes a PPM count in the
digits record.
_ FRL — 1 digit
FRLs, numbered 0–7, are associated with the AAR and ARS features and
define calling privileges. The information contained in this field is as
— If the call is an outgoing call and an authorization code is not used to
make the call, this field contains the originating telephone user’s

— If the call is an outgoing call and an authorization code is used to
make the call, this field contains the FRL associated with the dialed
Authorization code.
— If the call is an incoming or tandem call, this field contains the FRL
assigned to the incoming trunk group.
— If the call is an incoming tandem tie trunk call, this field contains
either the FRL assigned to the tandem tie trunk or the TCM sent
with the tandem tie trunk call, depending on which was used to
complete the call. On ISDN calls, this field always contains the
TCM, if it was received.
You can administer CDR so that disconnect information appears in this
field in place of the FRL. If you do this, for trunk CDR, the following
disconnect information appears:

_ Incoming Circuit Identification (in-crt-id) — 3 digits
This field contains the member number of a trunk within a trunk group
used for an incoming call. For outgoing calls, this field is blank. Tandem
calls contain both incoming and outgoing circuit id-numbers.
The format of this field varies from record to record. For printer, Teleseer
and 59-character formats, the numbers appear inverted on the record. For
example, the circuit ID 123 appears as 231 (tens, units, hundreds). If you
want to change this to appear in hundreds, tens, units format (123), use the
Modified Circuit ID Display field on the CDR System Parameters screen.
_ Incoming TAC (in-trk-code) — 4 digits
This field contains the access code of the incoming trunk group.

Users must dial an IXC access number to access a specific common
carrier for a call. In the US, this number is in the form 10XXX, 950
— 1XXX, or any 8–11 digit number. The IXC access numbers
applicable at a given location are associated with an IXC code on the
Inter-Exchange Carrier Codes screen.
When ARS is used, and a route pattern inserts one of the
administered IXC codes, the report contains the associated IXC
code. If no IXC access number is used, or the carrier is selected at
the CO, the report contains a 0.
— ISDN formats — 3 or 4 digits
With an ISDN record format, this field is a 3 or 4-digit field that
identifies the actual IXC used on an ISDN call. This information is
determined from the route pattern administration. For AAR and
ARS calls, the 3-digit IXC value is administered in the route pattern
for all ISDN calls. If a user dials an IXC code with a 10XXX format
as administered on the Inter-Exchange Carrier Codes screen, the
CDR record contains only the last 3 digits (4 for Enhanced). If a user
dials a 7-digit IXC code, this field contains a 0.
_ Line Feed — 1 character
The ASCII line feed character follows a carriage return to terminate CDR
_ MA-UUI — 1 digit
Message Associated User-to-User Signaling shows the number of ISDN
messages containing user data sent on an outgoing call. Data in this field
can range from 0 to 9.
_ Node Number (node-num) — 2 digits
This field identifies the DCS node number of a switch within a DCS
arrangement. The number output is the same as the node number on the
Dial Plan screen (the local id).
_ Null — 1 character
The NULL is used to terminate and divide CDR Records (usually in
triplets) when needed by the receiving adjunct.
_ Outgoing Circuit Identification (out-crt-id) — 3 digits
For outgoing calls, this field contains the member number of the trunk
within a trunk group used. This field is blank for incoming calls. Tandem
calls include both incoming and outgoing circuit id numbers. For outgoing
and tandem NCA-TSCs, this field contains the signaling group used to
carry the NCA-TSC.
The format of this field varies from record to record. For printer, Teleseer
and 59-character formats, and the ISDN and enhanced forms of those
records, the numbers appear inverted on the record. For example, the
circuit ID 123 appears as 231 (tens, units, hundreds). If you want to change
this to appear in hundreds, tens, units format (123), use the Modified
Circuit ID Display field on the CDR System Parameters screen.
_ Packet Count (tsc_ct) — 4 digits
For ISDN TSCs, this field contains the number of ISDN-PRI USER INFO
messages sent, received, or (for tandem TSCs) passing through the switch.
Periodic Pulse Metering (PPM) contains pulse counts transmitted over the
trunk line from the serving CO. These are used to determine call charges.
_ Resource Flag (res_flag) — 1 digit
Indicates whether the call was circuit switched or packet switched, whether
a conversion resource was used, or if the call involved a MASI terminal or
— 0 — circuit switched, no conversion device used
— 1 — packet switched, no conversion device used
— 2 — circuit switched, conversion device used
— 3 — packet switched, conversion device used
— 8 — MASI call
_ Sec-dur
For customized records only, this field allows you to set the duration field
to display seconds instead of tenths of minutes.
_ Space — up to 40 characters
The ASCII space character separates other CDR fields or fills unused
record locations.
_ TSC-Count (tsc_ct)
This is the customized name for Packet Count. See Packet Count.
_ TSC Flag (tsc_flag) — 1 digit
This field describes call records that pertain to temporary signalling
connections. When not equal to 0, this field will indicate the status of the
TSC. Table 54 on page 1599 presents the TSC Flag encoding.

_ Time
This fields contains the time that the call ended, or the time that a user
dropped from a multiparty call, if Call Splitting is active.
_ VDN (vdn) — 5 digits
This field is only available on customized records. The call record contains
the VDN extension number. If VDN Return Destination is active, this field
contains the first VDN the caller accessed.


I have BCMS, but do not have BCMSVu.

Is there a way to do something similar to this to pipe fields out from BCMS reports on a pc? I have tried to use ASA and export it to a comma delimited file, but its so clunky its about useless.

I havent had any formal training, but as far as I know the only way to get any kind of call reporting on my agents and/or splits is to type &quot;list bcms split/agent xxx&quot; and then like print it out. Is there a better way to do this w/o using ASA?

#Definity on Efnet

This is pretty cool.

I got it all working except the 'tail' command. Can anyone verify that 'tail' works in the Windows version of netcat?




OK, if you are using Kerchak's method here of piping the CDR information out to a text file and you also want to watch the text file grow with data you could use his 'tail' command but I dont think that works for us Windows people, so I discovered a solution.

So, what I found was that if I use a program like Textpad (free to try software) to open the my-billing text file, and change the option in Configure/Preferences/File/ and check the Auto-Reload radio button and uncheck the 'Ignore differences...' the data will grow inside the text editor.

Has anyone written any in-house programs to deal with this CDR information that they would like to share with us? It would be greatly appreciated!


MultiVantage, Intuity Audix
I wasn't able to complete step 2. I'm using Release 9 I have a C-LAN device however I was not able to add the IP service. Perhaps I am missing something. Can someone please send me a screen grab of your 'CH IP-SERVICES' screen?


change ip-services Page 1 of 3

Service Enabled Local Local Remote Remote
Type Node Port Node Port
SAT y MyClan 5011 any 0
CDR1 MyClan 0 Linux-Host 50000

Where it says 'MyClan' yours will be something different. More than likely it will probably be the same as whatever is above it.

MultiVantage, Intuity Audix LX
Thanks, this is strange..

It doesn't like CDR1 or anything in the service field other then 'SAT'. Any ideas? Do I need to define CDR1 prior to using it?



Not sure, I followed Kerchak's instructions in order and it worked for me.

MultiVantage, Intuity Audix LX
I can't get the call accounting to work using the above steps. I was able to add an entry for linux host, change ip services and change my CDR1 parameters. I also downloaded Netcat. Questions: In step one, what IP address do you enter? Where do you enter the $nc..... command? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

(570) 281-5386

You should enter the IP address of your Linux or Windows box there. That address in the FAQ ( is just an example.
You will only use the "nc" command if you are under Windows host shell prompt (the CMD.EXE). On any flavour of Unix you should use "netcat" or something that does similar job.

Note1: the dollar sign ($) preceding the NC command is just to remember people to issue that command at prompt level, not to type it. Kind of Unix weirdo :)

Note2: remember to either put "nc" in a place already in your PATH or put the place where "nc" is in your PATH, or CD to where your "nc" is before issuing the command, or issue it with full qualified path ... you choose ...


J. C. Pierri
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