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CCR Historical Reports Extremely Slow! Version

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Jul 26, 2007
I have an install of CCR (just upgraded to version that has been giving me some serious report rendering performance issues. Lately the CCR server (Windows 2003, 4GB RAM, dual processor, dedicated to VM Pro - 8 licenses and CCR with about 30 extensions on the phone system). CCR logs great and everything behaves quite nicely but lately the report rendering has been deathly slow. Rebooting the server helps for about a day or 2 then it goes back to being very sluggish (even running the reports locally on the server0. This is an MSDE installation not full SQL. Are there any documented utilities/processes for reorganizing/compressing the database as perhaps this is what may be causing the issue? Some reports (let's say call summary report for a queue for past year just took about 40 minutes!!!). The server is in great condition resource wise (I monitor memory usage, processor, etc.. while running the report and everything looks like there is plenty of resources available. There are no erros/warnings in the log files. The database is about half full (roughly 2gb of the total 4gb at this point). Any ideas or suggestions on how we can increase performance - perhaps some database maintenance??
On another note - we are using Norton Client Security (as a client agent) and not sure if there are any recommendations regarding possible exlusions for scanning (although we have always been running this software with no previous issues). The only other informatio I have is the warning in the event logs for "CSTA Integration" which pops up every 10 minutes or so in the log files but in other posts I found that we should simply ignore this error.
Sorry about the database maintenance utilities. I do in fact have the default database reindex scheduled as well as happening every day. I have rebuild database index set for 1:30 am and reset web services set for 2:00 am which run daily. Even those these things are running every day it just seems like a server reboot will clear things up for a day/2 and then it goes back to a snails pace!
Avaya recommend full sql and not MSDE (2005 express at a push for a small site)

General Geek


hairless - still having ongoing issues with customer regarding this. I am very perplexed at this since the server has all resources available (2.5 GB free memory, 90% processor available, etc..) and yet I run a simple report for calls within the last 3 months and it just hangs and hanges for forever. I disabled all Antivirus and non-essential services (except Voicemail Pro) and although I have all these resources available the system just hangs trying to calculate/view the report. The database is exactly at 2GB in size which is half of the available size using MSDE so very confused. I am even running these reports on the local server itself and NOT a network client and it still performs badly. I reviewed the link you mentioned above but I could not find where Avaya "recommends" SQL even thought being a data guy I would have the same feelings about using full SQL. Assuming I was to migrate from MSDE to full SQL - do you or anyone know if there is a document to migrate the MSDE database up into a full SQL install?
Is there a way of figuring out how to use the "Avaya" reserved logging utlities to see if there is something going on perhaps? I know that it says for avaya use only
I just trimmed down a simple report for 1 days activity (which is about 100 calls) and 20 minutes later nothing!
CCR is crap for report longer then one day.
Your server specs are too low for this.

I have CCR running in the office and XIma Chronicall next to it (different server with less specs) and Xima Chronicall kickes ass to CCR big time.

Where CCR needs a lot of time processor power Xima easy builds reports and is done quicker.

CCR is an ongoing problem tool and i do not think that it will be much better.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

My experience is most of the reporting performance issues are fixed in latest Service packs of CCR. Upgrade CCR to latest 7.0 Service Pack.
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