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CCNA Exam - 987 1

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Nov 15, 2002
Hi guys,
passed the ccna exam got one question wrong scoring 987, little hands-on experience just studied hard, not a very difficult exam, used testking (amazing!!), transcenders and a few books, didnt waste a few grand on courses as I printed it all off at work ,passed the whole thing for free.
Now studying switching exam (probabaly sit in about 3 weeks), have access to switches and luckily testing a new network with work so I see the real-world implementation

Have confidenece in your own ability and you will pass.

All the best to those who follow
Next exam in the bag - Confidence and a good memory are as good as years of hands on (plus the ability to bluff at interviews!!)
Congratulations for u !! just pray for me !! i may go for the exam after 1 month !! good luck .
What version of testking ? 8.2 ?

plus are those questions on CCNA worded the similar to Testking ?
I used the lastest one (dont have access to my normal pc today sorry), not sure what version number it is and they were literally word for word for at least half to two thirds of the whole exam!!
just one of those guys who used testking! How can u even say that you are a CCNA when all you did is memorize the paper.
Hope everyone will be enlightened on this one. You guys are the ones who give the certification industry a smack in the face.
Hope Someone or some industry like cisco or microsoft would go after testking so the company can be shutdown.
Yes, the certification fee is quite expensive and you can't take the risk of failing it, but all of the expenses would return ten folds, plus you won't feel the guilt of cheating not only John Chambers and Cisco, but yourself as well.
Just to clarify a few things here:
John Chambers doesn't need my greenbacks, maybe we should get rid of universities and all forms of education as when I did my degree in Chemistry and Maths I seem to remember doing lots of study (The whole idea behind the exam you cretin).
I have 3 years hands-on and I think that a CCNA is fair reflection, just because i didn't fork out the cash you did doesn't make your CCNA any better (oh ya I can only assume you got 1000 in yours).
He has a right to criticise who has a heart to help so your blatant support for multinational corporations instead of your fellow workers makes me wonder why you ever left the malformed pondlife that you call home.
If you ever need to discuss the quantum theories behind the flow of electricity through routers give me a call.
I have just finished implementing a multilayer switching enviroment with ATM, Frame Relay (12 routers, 7 switches) at work btw.
Obviously someone is a bit thin skinned about his new cert or they would not be tossing insults around like candy. I like the word *cretin*.. did you find that in your word of the day columm?

You deserved the comments you got when you come into a group full of swagger and bragging about how well you did without paying(forking) out money or studying hard. Perhaps you are one of the blessed few that can pull it off but the vast majority of students do need to study and do need the hands on before they take the test.

There is nothing for free.. and just because you did not pay for the printing at work, doesnt mean that someone didnt pay for the reams of paper, toner and your time. Again, I would not go around bragging about it. Sometimes words can find their way back to the folks who you would rather not read them.

For what its worth, it's folks with your wannabe superior attitude that cause grief for the rest of the geeks. Everyone that runs into it will assume all geeks are the same way.. much to our collective annoyance.

BTW-- Mr Chambers might not *need* your money, but Cisco certainly can use it since if they dont get money they go out of business and that means your cert/job is now gone. I doubt a single user though really amounts to much to a billion dollar company but as someone who has dealt with it on a much smaller scale in software, stealing and cheating can certainly hurt the little guy. And if you feel justified in cheating the large company, why not the smaller one? why not your employer? I have found over the years the ethics or lack there of, one shows towards big companies trickles down into all aspects on of one's life.

And the one thing for sure, bad karma begets bad karma

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"Take advantage of the enemy's unreadiness, make your way by unexpected routes, and attack unguarded spots."
Sun Tzu
I seem to have rubbed a few people up the wrong way here and I do apologise, I did not create this thread with a view to boasting, merely offering advice.
OK I will leave now.
MikeS best of luck with the CCIE, no hard feelings. Same goes to ecafracs.
i totally agree with jimrebels.
for one i work on router, but i do not seems to remember all the terms that cisco might have, from doing it day to day, that's how i remembered command line and design and so on.

cert paper intend to mean you know what you are doing, but now aday, it's not any more. i sit in the upgrade Windows 2000 exams and found it was a joke on those questions.
while a instructor of mine was real good in passing it, guess what ? she can't even replace a SD-RAM....
well jimrebels, I am sorry if i would not call recommending products that offer nothing but answers and questions as helping. I would rather call it cheating. I had not been so blatant about these things until I saw some people bragging about certs and stuffs but not really understanding what it really meant. I myself did studied and finished my degree in college, took cisco courses,passed my other certifications and every single penny I spent was all worth it. Here in a country where everyone else is struggling, where a dollar = 50x, you won't have the guts to take an exam and have the fear of failing even a single exam. Not to mention the fact that I have mouths to feed. And then you see some guys, buying pirated softwares and cheat sheets,printing those PDFs and studying just the paper.Then Brag about their certs in their CVs. Most of those guys come to my office to apply for a posiion, but when I ask them about technical stuffs and the like, they would just just stare at you or makeup their own solutions, which would not resolve anything. Some of my friends had been in the industry for such a long time, and they really feel bad for they feel that out there, it's not a fair world anymore.
I had been in the industry for more than 6 years , started my own business back in my college days with my colleagues,and still we're doing well. We have lots of trainees, mostly out of school youths. We train them for free and even sponsor their exams.We're glad we can help other people.So when you say you want to help,you should do it the right way.
I am Sorry too for being a critic, but somehow, there should be some enlightenment.
World Peace and No More War Bro! LEt us all make this world a better place.
With over 20 years in the industry and working my way from the bottom up, I have respect for those that work hard to get where they are. I have no respect for those who are not willing to do the work or to slide by to get the cert by rote memorization or guesswork on a test. I also have had the *pleasure* of interviewing folks with certs who are completely clueless since they never really did the work to get the cert. As I said before, some folks have a gift to pass tests. Most do not and its a crime to encourage the practice of cheating to pass.

There are legit study aids to be sure.. and I use them myself.. I have even started to write some myself for others to use but I also spent alot time with a rack of equipment to make sure I dont make too big a fool of myself when asked real world questions in the real world. The CCNA (or any other cert) is expected to know certain things, and if you dont, you make it bad for the rest who do know it.

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"Take advantage of the enemy's unreadiness, make your way by unexpected routes, and attack unguarded spots."
Sun Tzu
Thanks MikeS!!!
C'mon now give jim a break, he is still going to get that experience, and yall know it's the experience that counts.
Is it? sometimes yes, more times nowdays no. It used to be that you could get experience and move right on up the ladder and pick up what you needed to know for it to all work. Nowdays with the much more sophisticated networks and design, you need solid bookwork, solid hands on and a good mind for this type of work. When vendors start mixing layers for *new and improved* performance and tricks, troubleshooting becomes a matching of wits between the poor sucker trying to fix the problem and the ubergeek who decided that layers 3 and 4 can be mixed to form a new type of switch/routing process. You have to know exactly how both layers work AND how that knowledge applies to the piece of gear blinking at you. Hands on in this secene goes only so far. And there is not a *testking* or other aid around that will be of any use at that moment.

Jim is entitled to his opinion and I'm entitled to mine. But if Jim(or someone else) is working for me, it's my opinion that counts since I cut the checks :) And in network management there are more opinions like mine then Jims.

Have we beat this thread to death yet?

Find me at
"Take advantage of the enemy's unreadiness, make your way by unexpected routes, and attack unguarded spots."
Sun Tzu
Well, MikeS, I would have to agree with you on that.
I like your site as well and I also heard that they are experimenting the IPv6 in Abilene, KS, but that could be just a rumor. I'll check into it.
Any posting on a real world IP 6 would be of interest to alot of us I would think

MikeS Find me at
"Take advantage of the enemy's unreadiness, make your way by unexpected routes, and attack unguarded spots."
Sun Tzu
Frankly, I don't have any problems with _other people's_ study habits... And I'm shocked, offended, and embarrassed by the lack of manners shown by some in this worthy bunch...

Testking isn't any worse than Transcender or some of the examcram books. Hands-on is hands-on. Exams are not "real-world". And cheaters who apply for IT jobs are easily caught out...

It's not our job to judge others... unless and until we're perfect...

It may be that jimrebels didn't know what he was doing was wrong. He may not have been brainwashed, um, er, uh, I mean "properly trained" by the light side of the certification industry. A kinder, gentler way of explaining it would have been more in line with the nature of these boards...

Cisco has enough money from me to make up the difference... :)
Solutions Architect
CTE, MCIWD, i-Net+, Network+
(MCSA, MCSE-W2K, MCIWA, SCSA, SCNA in progress)
Let us get back to the real question...who is tossing the candy?
Candy, darn and I just stopped eating all that sugar. I have been in the Data field for almost three years and I have my CCNA, and Network+. I think OJT is key and hands on is a MUST. As an earlier comment mention "Those who have certs and cannot perform the job will be weeded out very quickly". Remember there are always to sides to every story.
The study habbits of others are not of my concern. I concern myself with a professional attitude and my job performance reflects. Now lets put this to rest and move forward and do the best we can. Merry Christmas!!!!!
“Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all”

Fisher CCNA, Network+
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