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CCM Features vs AVAYA Features 2

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Jul 6, 2001
Has any one compiled a Feature gap analysis between the Call manager and Avaya Definity?

I know everyone thinks different features are important, but I was wondering if anyone has found any that are not mandatory, but its very irritating that the CCM does not have.

The ones I've seen are:
Multi appearance (same number)
Busy indicators
Service Observe
vokoun - that is interesting information to know... I'm about to do the same thing. Thanks for the advanced warning on the problems I will probably encounter.
I'm surprised that you had any problems with the DHCP change - our 3.1(4b) setup handled the change without any trouble. We had our Call Managers staged offsite by our network contractor before shipping them back onsite again. The TFTP option - 150 isn't it? was incorrectly specified by the contractor.

The change was as simple as updating the scope then choosing all device and asking for a full reset.

AdmanOK - I'd be interested to hear how you get on.

To Buckweet :

Does the Hunt Group using a pilot number work at all with CCM 3.1 or 3.2 We're going to 3.3 in about 2 months. Does it work with that ?
I followed the instructions (I think) but cannot get it to work. Others have told me it does not work. Can this be true ?

Also, what's the difference between the Multi Represented DN's referred to above and sharing a line on multiple handsets ? I'm coming from an Erisson MD110 background. What's the analagous feature on the MD110.

Put me out of my misery.
I have had basic Hunt Groups working in 3.1... but I'm not sure what you're looking for. This will also explain the difference between Multi-Lines and Shared Lines (I hope!) I'll outline what I had -

3 phones all set to become Helpdesk Phones.
The 3333 directory number is the helpdesk number.

In our Mitel environemnt, when you ring this number, all three phones ring. One helpdesk staff picks the number up on his phone, and take the call.
While the first helpdesk staff is still on the phone, another user dials 3333 and the remaining two helpdesk phones now ring, allowing one of them to pick up.

With shared lines, once the first person dialling 3333 get's picked up, the 3333 number is now unavailable and the remaining two phones have the "busy" indicator flash on their 3333 line ("key appearance" in Mitel speak).

In order to get this working in CCM, you need to fudge it a little. I'm not sure how Buckweet does this, but here's my version.

Create a 3333 pilot number and add in two or more non-ddi numbers as the hunt group members. Then add those non-ddi numbers as lines on the Cisco phones. In my case, I just used 1001, 1002 and 1003.

So, when some phones 3333, all three helpdesk phones ring and you press the ringing line to pickup (1001). Now while that call is in progress, someone else phones, 1002 will ring, then finally 1003.

It's invisible to the users phoning 3333, but it's a pain for the helpdesk staff, cos it eats all their lines up with useless helpdesk numbers.

Anyway, that works for us... roll on Multiline in CM3.4

thankyou for your reply.

The group hunt that I had working just made use of No Answer diversion and Busy Diversion to set up a simple cascade through a set of numbers until someone answered. Very basic.
I would like to get it working with the pilot number you refer to but so far have been unable to achieve this. One of our suppliers told me it doesn't work so I haven't revisited the problem. However, you've had it working so I'll try again.
The Cisco solution does seem wasteful of lines since in the Ericsson MD110 version of group hunt, each phone only needs to have a single number, which is included in the group. The hunt can then be configured to either take place sequentially down the list of numbers in the group or else to the 'free-the-longest' extension in the group.

Thanks for clearing up the shared line / multiline thing. I don't think there is an exact equivalent of multiline in Ericsson MD110. It sounds like a hybrid of the Group Hunt & Monitered Directory Number features in Ericsson-speak.
I agree with some comments, but i think the cisco and avaya has differents kind of problems. I found in avaya the redunducy protocol for find other CLAN in case of failure and restart of the failure all ip phone remain "logged" to the backup CLAN.

somebody has this problem.?
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