When I start the CCC reporter it states that there are no licenses available. I am running IPO 3.2.53, CCC 5.0.33, and VM Pro 3.2.28. I have the Archiver and Delta Server running on same PC, followed tech tip 131 completely and still having issues. I can go to any PC on the Domain and load CCV and PC Wallboard and it works fine but no reporter.
I have followed the instructions and Loaded .NET first and then loaded IIS and rebooted, just having problem with web page. I got a microsoft error when I opened the application initially and proceeded to go to IIS and change the default web page to CCCSERVER/Reporting, which is the directory of the web page. Now it opens the web page but I have the license error.
I have followed the instructions and Loaded .NET first and then loaded IIS and rebooted, just having problem with web page. I got a microsoft error when I opened the application initially and proceeded to go to IIS and change the default web page to CCCSERVER/Reporting, which is the directory of the web page. Now it opens the web page but I have the license error.