anyone over there (USA) been on the CBIC course with Mstr (MicroStrategy Certified Business Intelligence Consultant) - 3 week-er?
The reason I'm asking is 'cos us poorer relations (UK) have to travel to Washington for the course as that's the only place Mstr run it. At a cost of $9750 per person in course fees plus $3000 flights and hotel plus expenses etc, not to mention the time away from project, its a little steep. For this price anmd commitment, it really has to be worth it.
So anyone been on it?
If so, how did you find it?
How was the pitch level (they only run the basic courses here - Rep essentials/Architect/Adv rep/Web API/Narrowcastor - we consider ourselves a little past these having attended some)?
Comments please?
anyone over there (USA) been on the CBIC course with Mstr (MicroStrategy Certified Business Intelligence Consultant) - 3 week-er?
The reason I'm asking is 'cos us poorer relations (UK) have to travel to Washington for the course as that's the only place Mstr run it. At a cost of $9750 per person in course fees plus $3000 flights and hotel plus expenses etc, not to mention the time away from project, its a little steep. For this price anmd commitment, it really has to be worth it.
So anyone been on it?
If so, how did you find it?
How was the pitch level (they only run the basic courses here - Rep essentials/Architect/Adv rep/Web API/Narrowcastor - we consider ourselves a little past these having attended some)?
Comments please?