What I have is one table that I have a "heading" it is a number that is between 0 and 360. What I want to do is change it to a N,E,S,W,NW,SW,NE,SE heading.
N = (0-22.4)
NE = (22.5-67.4)
E = (67.5-112.4)
SE = (112.5-157.4)
S = (157.5-202.4)
SW = (202.5-247.4)
W = (247.5-292.4)
NW = (292.5-337.4)
N = (337.5-360)
So I decided to use a case statement.(Not sure if right way to do this)
but with my code I am getting a missing keyword error, I dont know if I am doing this right at all, if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to point me in another direction.
N = (0-22.4)
NE = (22.5-67.4)
E = (67.5-112.4)
SE = (112.5-157.4)
S = (157.5-202.4)
SW = (202.5-247.4)
W = (247.5-292.4)
NW = (292.5-337.4)
N = (337.5-360)
So I decided to use a case statement.(Not sure if right way to do this)
but with my code I am getting a missing keyword error, I dont know if I am doing this right at all, if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to point me in another direction.
SELECT QATECH_DATASTORE."cust_trucks"."truck_name",
(case "somthing"
when "a"."heading" > '0' then 'N'
when "a"."heading" > '22.4' then 'NE'
when "a"."heading" > '67.4' then 'E'
when "a"."heading" > '112.4' then 'SE'
when "a"."heading" > '157.4' then 'S'
when "a"."heading" > '202.4' then 'SW'
when "a"."heading" > '247.4' then 'W'
when "a"."heading" > '292.4' then 'NW'
when "a"."heading" > '337.4' then 'N'
else 'N'),
FROM QATECH_DATASTORE."cust_positions" "a",
WHERE QATECH_DATASTORE."cust_trucks".OID = "a"."asset_id" and
("a"."date_time" between to_date('10/02/2006 12:00PM', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MIAM') and
to_date('10/02/2006 4:30PM', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MIAM')) AND
QATech_DataStore."cust_trucks".OID IN (2);