I have a brain freeze currently and at a lose on hos to do this. I would think "CASE...ENDCASE" is the best way but I can't for the life of me write the darn code for it. It's pretty simple. Here's my code:
SCAN FOR amount_rem="3004" AND EMPTY(state)
STORE SUBSTR(tel,1,7) TO t7
STore SUBSTR(tel,1,3) TO t3
SELECT pic_city
if it's found, sele MST0910 and REPLACE mst0910.state WITH pic_city.prov and move to the next recno() in mst0910. if it's not found, look in a dbf called cell_tel, if it's found in there, sele MST0910 and REPLACE mst0910.state WITH cell_tel.prov and move to the next recno() in mst0910. If it's not found, , using t3 now (not t7) look in a dbf called us_desti, if it's found in there, sele MST0910 and REPLACE mst0910.state WITH us_desti.state. OTHERWISE, just sele MST0910, SKIP.
My brain is not working today on how to code that. it must be the snow storm we just got.
Can anybody help me? Please let me know.
I have a brain freeze currently and at a lose on hos to do this. I would think "CASE...ENDCASE" is the best way but I can't for the life of me write the darn code for it. It's pretty simple. Here's my code:
SCAN FOR amount_rem="3004" AND EMPTY(state)
STORE SUBSTR(tel,1,7) TO t7
STore SUBSTR(tel,1,3) TO t3
SELECT pic_city
if it's found, sele MST0910 and REPLACE mst0910.state WITH pic_city.prov and move to the next recno() in mst0910. if it's not found, look in a dbf called cell_tel, if it's found in there, sele MST0910 and REPLACE mst0910.state WITH cell_tel.prov and move to the next recno() in mst0910. If it's not found, , using t3 now (not t7) look in a dbf called us_desti, if it's found in there, sele MST0910 and REPLACE mst0910.state WITH us_desti.state. OTHERWISE, just sele MST0910, SKIP.
My brain is not working today on how to code that. it must be the snow storm we just got.
Can anybody help me? Please let me know.