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Cascading Notification 5

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Mar 30, 2005
Has anyone set up cascading notification with an IPO before? I need to do this for a medical practice and as far as I know there is no way to do it? Any ideas

as far as I know you can only send notification to (1) user, so if there is a way to notify multiple users I would be very interested.
only way currently i can think of is if you are able to set up a distribution list email address and put that in Ipoffice.. but no way to do it internal to ipoffice..
would that email list send the message to all at the same time, sort of defeating the cascading effect?
I have been looking for a solution for after hours cascade paging but I need the outcalls to stop after the message is picked up
I hate to bring up this "solution" again, but it will work. You can hang a Partner system with Partner Messaging off of the IPO and use the cascading outcalling feature of it. It is ugly and expensive, but for some applications it is a must. Someone was talking about a TAPI based option a while back, but I never saw a confirmation.
I used to have a modem on my PC which came with voice mail software. The modem was less than $50, and it had cascaded notification. I will see if i can find the documentation on it in my files. Sometimes I keep the strangest things. You could put the modem on he VM Pro machine and give it an analog ext port to dial out with. Sending the single VM PRO notification to that pots ext port could trigger the modem VM box by leaving a message. This would drive the modem notification.

You do not always get what you pay for, but you never get what you do not pay for.
kflounders has the answer I have it set up for 4 medical office facilities. Avaya knows this is a major issue and was supposed to be fixed in 2.1 but that never happened. Only one number outcalling cascaded needs to forwatd to a partner via analog ports. God luck

I would like to try out the modem if you come up with the info that would be great
I wrote a VB program that will monitor the 'Accounts' folder of Voicemail Pro and look for the existence of new messages then dial the pager number for these users. You can set the delay to redial the pager every 15 or 30 minutes or so (programmable per user) as long as a new message is in Voicemail Pro.

You can download the program from here:

Let me know what you think.
Wow reilly tel comes thru again. first their alarm traq software which is just awesome. now this great little program.
seems if you need it they will build it.
Nice job!!
alarm traq


You do not always get what you pay for, but you never get what you do not pay for.
Do you have any documentation for installing the VMAlerter software. I get some errors when I try to run the program. Should it be installed in a particular directory? The first message I get is "cannot find vmalerter.mdb" I assume that you first have to create the database file. If you click OK the you get "Error 8002 invalid port number". Then clicking ok gets you "Error 3709 the connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context." Then "Error 3704. Operation is not allowed when object is closed." Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Sorry about that. The original package did not include the database file (VMAlerter.mdb).

You can re-install the new program or download the database from
Also, you need a modem connected to the machine and the proper COM port assigned in the settings form in order to dial out. Hope this helps.
So if I understand you correctly. This program has to dial out via a modem. Will it only dial out to a pager then. I would like to cascade out to a cell phone every 15 minutes or so. What does the caller hear if the calls are routed to a cell phone? Are they able to logon to vm then or would they have to call back into the system after the notification?

kflounders: What is your approach to integrating the IPO with the Partner's cascading callout? I'll be interested in how you set ip up in the IPO.


I have done this with the Partner hanging off of the IPO. What I have done is when a caller gets the automated attendant in voicemail pro - they press the appropriate digit (in my case 9) for emergency service - this transfers the caller to an analog extension port that is connected to the Partner system via a trunk port. This trunk port line is assigned ownership to ext xx on the partner system. It rings this extension - goes to it's voicemail box (Partner VS 4.1 or any Partner Messaging will support outcalling - can't remember if anything previous to VS R4.1 does) the caller is instructed to leave a message and someone will be paged. The Partner voicemail then dials out via a trunk port on the IPO. I recommend 2 analog station ports from the IPO to the Partner line ports. We use this for only one mailbox on the Partner system for our emergency after hours service.

Same as DP,
I have the call from VMPro sent to out Analog station to analog line with ownership. Make sure that you do not use a PC card VM as they do not have outcalling.
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