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Capture specified part of a string

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Apr 30, 2001
I have a String that I need to get only part of.
I can't use any of the regular functions like SubString and such. I need to get the part of the string (named to) in between the "]" and the ":" marks. I know for a fact that both of the characters will be in the string, and in that order. there is a name in between those strings, and for the life of me, I can't seem to get it. Does anyone have a function to do this, or any code examples. I tried doing a SubStr to the ":" character, then making all the characters null ("\0") until the "]", then trim it off... But I'm being retarded today, and when I make one charater null, the rest go with it. I'm out of ideas and fairly frusterated, do you guys have suggestions?

Thanks, Cyprus

you cant put it into a string?

got 2 mins here

if u can get the position of the ] and the ; cant you just go


I take it no... but then I dont know :)

Well, why not just go through the string a character at a time. Start copying the string a character at a time into the return buffer and stop when you hit the :

I had done just that. I went through byte by byte, the same way I always did before, and as soon as I'd make one byte null, it would clear out the whole thing. It never did that before, I can't figure out why it won't work now. I'm sure it's something stupid that I'm doing. If I could remeber an exact project where I had done that before, I wouldn't have to ask, but it seems when I really need it, I can't find it.

When I do a substr, I thought that it takes it byte by byte starting at the beginning until it finds a particular character, ":" in this case, and then return that sub string, starting at the beginning. I could very well be wrong. Does it take multiple character values like that? As in tell it where to start, as opposed to the beginning?

Thanks, Cyprus
ah, this is AnsiStrings only...

could you load the string into an ansiString, find the middle part, and then pass it back?

or what about this?

TheChars is the char string u are searching
int count;
int count2;
int len;
char Endstring[200];
BOOL Started;
BOOL Ended;
Started == false;
Ended == false;

len = strlen(TheChars);
count = 0;
count2 = 0;
while (count < len) 
  if (Ended == false) { //If Not Finished
     if (Started == false) { //If Not Started
        if (TheChars[count] == &quot;]&quot;) { //If at Start Char
           Started == true;
     } else { //Started

        if (TheChars[count] == &quot;;&quot;) { //If not at end Char
          Ended == true;
        } else {
          EndString[count2] = TheChars[count]; //Add Value
          count2++; //Increment SubString pointer


I just made that up on the spot, and I know its longwinded, but im still quite new to this, and thats with my basic knowledge :)
This may also give you the desired result ... although, probably not optimized ...
     char MyStr[200];
     char ResultStr[50];
     char *ptr;
     int Pos1, Pos2;
     strcpy(MyStr, &quot;[Something]NameOfPerson:SomethingElse&quot;);
     ptr = strchr(MyStr, ']');
     Pos1 = ptr-MyStr + 1;
     ptr = strchr(MyStr, ':');
     Pos2 = ptr-MyStr;
     strncpy(ResultStr, MyStr+Pos1, Pos2 - Pos1);
     ResultStr[Pos2 - Pos1] = '\0';
     Application->MessageBoxA(ResultStr, &quot;Debug&quot;, MB_OK);

I changed it a bit, removed some variables and now it is also errorproof if the begin- or endchar is not found

char MyStr[200];
char ResultStr[200]={&quot;&quot;};
char *ptr;
strcpy(MyStr, &quot;[Something]NameOfPerson:SomethingElse&quot;);
ptr = strchr(MyStr, ']');
{ strcpy(ResultStr,ptr+1);
ptr = strchr(ResultStr, ':');
else // if no end is found you can decide here what
// to do, f.i empty the result

Application->MessageBoxA(ResultStr, &quot;Debug&quot;, MB_OK);

Wim Vanherp
thank you very much, wimvanherp (and jnecciai). That did exactly what I wanted.
I appreciate the help, everyone. Cyprus
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