I need to be able to capitalize the first letter of each word. I can seem to find anything that works. Does anyone out there have the answer? I sure would appreciate it. <p>Lanie<br><a href=mailto:etroidl@conaxfl.com>etroidl@conaxfl.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
You might want to use Len function to determin the length of the string, then use Mid function to check when the next character appears after space and then Left(UCase(MyString),1). <br>
I'll show you something I've done just to give you ageneral overview, but you'll have to modify the code to suit your needs:<br>
Private Sub cmbTest_Click()<br>
Dim I, L As Integer<br>
Dim FindFirstName, FindLastName<br>
Dim LName As String<br>
Dim FName As String<br>
lblIndex.Caption = "Index: " + Str(cmbTest.ListIndex)<br>
L = Len(cmbTest.Text)<br>
For I = 1 To L<br>
FindLastName = Mid(cmbTest.Text, 1, I)<br>
If Right(FindLastName, 1) = "," Then<br>
GoTo FindFirst<br>
LName = FindLastName<br>
End If<br>
Next I<br>
I = Len(LName) + 2<br>
L = Len(cmbTest.Text)<br>
FindFirstName = Mid(cmbTest.Text, I, L)<br>
FName = FindFirstName<br>
lblLastname.Caption = "Lastname: " + Trim(LName)<br>
lblFirstname.Caption = "Firstname: " + Trim(FName)<br>
End Sub<br>
I am sure that there is an easier way, so keep looking and trying.
If each name is a separate field this is a slick one liner.<br>
You can call this from a query or form or report<br>
Public Function ConvertUpper(Value)<br>
ConvertUpper = UCase(Left(Value, 1)) & Right(Value, Len(Value) - 1)<br>
End Function<br>
<p> DougP<br><a href=mailto: dposton@universal1.com> dposton@universal1.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
From Access Help:<br>
Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text string and converts all other letters to lowercase letters.<br>
Text is text enclosed in quotation marks, a formula that returns text, or a reference to a cell that contains text to partially capitalize.<br>
Which version of Access is that, It's not in '97?<br>
If I type it in and Press F1 on it I get "Keyword not found". <p> DougP<br><a href=mailto: dposton@universal1.com> dposton@universal1.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Try StrConv - Hard code the conversion number (don't use vbProperCase for example)<br>
StrConv(string, conversion)<br>
The StrConv function syntax has these named arguments:<br>
string = The string expression to be converted.<br>
conversion = Value specifying the type of conversion to perform.<br>
The conversion argument settings are:<br>
Constant Value Description<br>
vbUpperCase 1 All uppercase characters.<br>
vbLowerCase 2 All lowercase characters.<br>
vbProperCase 3 Converts the first letter of every word in string to uppercase.<br>
<p>Jim Conrad<br><a href=mailto:jconrad3@visteon.com>jconrad3@visteon.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Proper is available in Access 2000. It looked so familiar I had forgotton I used to have to use StrConv(string, vbProper) in 97. <br>
JimConrad, did you have trouble when you used the constant instead of the 3? I don't remember that, but it was awhile ago.
In some places (like in a query), you need to use the literal "3". If you are using VBA code, you can use the constant "vbProper". <p>Jim Conrad<br><a href=mailto:jconrad3@visteon.com>jconrad3@visteon.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
I wrote the following function for names. It has worked well so far.<br>
Public Function MixCase(ByVal strTextIn As String) As String<br>
'This function returns a string where<br>
'the first letter of each word is upper case and<br>
'the rest of the letters of each word are lower case.<br>
'It also handles Mc names, hyphens, and apostrophies.<br>
'Thus when strTextIn = "BEE BOP bO LULA",<br>
'MixedCase = "Bee Bop Bo Lula"<br>
'Author: Mike Angelastro<br>
'Date: 3-20-2000<br>
Dim strTemp As String<br>
Dim strChar As String<br>
Dim intVowels As Integer<br>
Dim n As Long<br>
'Exit if input is null<br>
If IsNull(strTextIn) Then<br>
MixCase = " "<br>
Exit Function<br>
End If<br>
'Look for absence of vowels, in which case capitalize all letters.<br>
intVowels = InStr(1, strTextIn, "a", 1) Or InStr(1, strTextIn, "e", 1) Or InStr(1, strTextIn, "i", 1) Or InStr(1, strTextIn, "o", 1) Or InStr(1, strTextIn, "u", 1) Or InStr(1, strTextIn, "y", 1)<br>
If intVowels = 0 Then<br>
MixCase = UCase(strTextIn)<br>
Exit Function<br>
End If<br>
'Build output string.<br>
MixCase = UCase(Left(strTextIn, 1)) 'Capitalize the first letter of the string.<br>
For n = 2 To Len(strTextIn)<br>
strTemp = Right(strTextIn, Len(strTextIn) - n + 1) 'Derive the balance of the string in.<br>
strChar = Right(MixCase, 1) 'Derive the last character of the balance of string in.<br>
Select Case strChar<br>
Case "c"<br>
If Right(MixCase, 2) = "mc" Or Right(MixCase, 3) = "mac" Then 'Look for "Mc" or "Mac" names.<br>
MixCase = MixCase & UCase(Left(strTemp, 1)) 'Convert character to upper case.<br>
MixCase = MixCase & LCase(Left(strTemp, 1)) 'Convert character to lower case.<br>
End If<br>
Case ".", " ", "-", "'" 'Space, hyphen, period, or apostrophy.<br>
MixCase = MixCase & UCase(Left(strTemp, 1)) 'Convert character to upper case.<br>
Case Else<br>
If strChar <> "c" Then MixCase = MixCase & LCase(Left(strTemp, 1)) 'Convert character to lower case.<br>
End Select<br>
End Function
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