The capacitors you mention are sometimes part of the high current switch-mode regulator circuit feeding the processor. They need to be of a reasonably high temperature rating (look on the existing ones for clues like 85c or more likey 105c markings).
More importantly they need to have a suitable chemistry for high current high frequency switching or they tend to swell and leak (maybe you know this given the question). One year many makers used a bad batch of caps that now have the tops popping open like ripe fruit.
Good advice is to read everything it says on the printed wrapper and then try entering the exact make, value and other letters into google along with 'electrolytic capacitors'
You may be lucky enough to get a hit on a local component wholesaler or at least get the key bits of the specification to look for on or the like.
On one of mine that leaked they are GSC 3300u 6.3v and have letters LE which tells you is a particular Low ESR specification and must be replaced with similar types
I can then find
Be suspicious if your candidate replacement is any smaller than the originals and think about heastsink fitting if they are bigger
If you are in some part of the world where throw away is not the culture your local TV shop is likely to have a suitable source and to understand the spec you've found on the web
BrucesXP is right. I hope that you still have your original part. Try to find the manufacturer and part numbet too. These mobo power supply caps are usually low-esr types. You need to find what was the esr (equivalent series resistance) of yours in order to find a suitable replacement. If possible find one with a lower esr, as this may be the reason why it failed on your mobo. The higher the esr the higher the heat generated by the capacitor, and the less efficient it is at smoothing ripples.
Digikey is a nice place to find capacitors. They have various lines.
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