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Can't update with ADO - MySQL / ADO / ASP

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Apr 29, 2001
I've written an ASP application in VBScript that uses ADO to connect to, read from and update a MySQL database. The read (select) type queries work fine but any attempt to update a table fails with a variety of fairly generic error messages.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid string or buffer length

The application works fine when pointed to an Access database (including updates) but fails with MySQL.

I have all the latest drivers and software on my PC (running Windows NT) and have just installed the version 3.23.36 of MySQL (running on a Unix machine). I've also tried older versions of MySQL - 3.22 and 3.21

An example piece of code follows -

sSQL = "SELECT * FROM UserLogon WHERE ..."

set m_Conn = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
m_Conn.Open DB_DSN

' open recordset and find user's logon details
set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
rs.CursorLocation = adUseServer
rs.Open sSQL, m_Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

if rs.EOF then ' user name not found
sAttemptLogin = "User name or password invalid"

elseif bCheckExpired(rs("Expires")) then
sAttemptLogin = "Your account has expired. Please contact... "

elseif rs("Frozen") then
sAttemptLogin = "Your account has been frozen. Please contact..."

elseif rs(&quot;Password&quot;) <> trim(Request.Form(&quot;Password&quot;)) then
sAttemptLogin = &quot;User name or password invalid&quot;
rs(&quot;Attempts&quot;) = rs(&quot;Attempts&quot;) + 1
if rs(&quot;Attempts&quot;) >= 5 then
sAttemptLogin = &quot;Too many failed attempts - account frozen. Contact...&quot;
rs(&quot;Frozen&quot;) = 1
end if

else ' Login successful
rs(&quot;Attempts&quot;) = 0
Session(&quot;LastOn&quot;) = rs(&quot;LastOn&quot;)
rs(&quot;LastOn&quot;) = Now
sAttemptLogin = &quot;OK&quot;
end if

' clean up recordset and close database connection
set rs = nothing
set m_Conn = nothing

I've tried client-side cursors as well as server-side cursors, different lock types and a variety of other parameters on the recordset open but nothing works. The application fails on the &quot;rs.Update&quot; statement.

Application only fails with MySQL - works perfectly on Access 97 and Access 2000.

There are options in the MyODBC driver available to solve this problem. Open the ODBC control panel, select the DSN you want to use and activate those options :

- Don't optimize column width
- Pad CHAR to full length
- Allow BIG results
- Use manager cursors (experimental)
- Safety

Those will also help you solve some problems:
- Return matching rows

This one will improve the data tranferts
- Use compressed protocol

Those are the options i am using. Hope I've been helping you !

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