Just a guess. The login you use doesn't have permissions on the tables or database on the server. You don't give us much to go on. Please provide more details. If you want to get the best answer for your question read faq183-874 and faq183-3179. Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
SQL Server Page:
if the connection is not using your login and it very well may not be, then you need to check the rights on the login the connection uses. AS Terry said, it probablly doesn't have the same permissions you have.
Look at the code for your connection string. What is the login specified?
Then go to ENterprise MAnager and look up the properties for that user and any roles it is assigned to within the database. Do this by right-cliking on the username, selecting properties and clicking permissions. you'll also see the roles listed on the page with the permissions button.
Compare with your permissions.
Or ask your dba to do this once you know what login you are dealing with. You'll want this person involved in any permissions changes anyway as the dba probably has a way he prefers to set up permissions (for instance if you can get way with only seting permissions to stored procedures and not base tables, this is better. It is also better to set permissionss for roles rahter than indvidual logins.)
If the connection is the same then I would think it must be some kind of network or firewall issue. If you are connecting through the web perhaps the database server is not allowing changes when the connection comes from the web vice an internal network connection. I'd get the network admin person involved in the problem at any rate.
Do the tables you created have a unique constraint (primary key or unique index) or a timestamp column? If not, create a primary key or other unique constraint on the tables. If you want to get the best answer for your question read faq183-874 and faq183-3179. Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
SQL Server Page:
Maybe if you define "it will not update" will help a bit. Are you getting an error? if so, please post it. or is there no error and the data is not getting updated?
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