So I can browse to the UCM and get into the Linux Base at 192.168.XXX.XXX. When I try to putty to the same IP address and get in via ssh it returns access denied. I am using the same username and password that lets me in through the browser. Below is the error I am getting from putty:
login as: xxxxxx
Nortel Networks Linux Base 7.00
The software and data stored on this system are the property of,
or licensed to, Nortel Networks and are lawfully available only
to authorized users for approved purposes. Unauthorized access
to any software or data on this system is strictly prohibited and
punishable under appropriate laws. If you are not an authorized
user then do not try to login. This system may be monitored for
operational purposes at any time.'s password:
Access denied's password:
login as: xxxxxx
Nortel Networks Linux Base 7.00
The software and data stored on this system are the property of,
or licensed to, Nortel Networks and are lawfully available only
to authorized users for approved purposes. Unauthorized access
to any software or data on this system is strictly prohibited and
punishable under appropriate laws. If you are not an authorized
user then do not try to login. This system may be monitored for
operational purposes at any time.'s password:
Access denied's password: