Simple asp code to select Month and Year, works in IE6. In IE7 after selecting Month, you cannot select from the Year list. This is a popup form, and the workaround is to click outside the popup form, then select year.
'* PopUp Window for selecting Month
dim strKeep
If Request.Querystring("Page") <> "" Then
PageName = Request.Querystring("Page")
Session("PageName") = PageName
PageName = Session("PageName")
End If
If Request.Querystring("Form") <> "" Then
FormName = Request.Querystring("Form")
Session("FormName") = FormName
FormName = Session("FormName")
End If
If Request.Querystring("Element") <> "" Then
ElementName = Request.Querystring("Element")
Session("ElementName") = ElementName
ElementName = Session("ElementName")
End If
<TITLE>Select Month</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
function cmdCont() {
frmMthSel.txtMonth.value+= frmMthSel.cboMonth.options[frmMthSel.cboMonth.selectedIndex].value;
frmMthSel.txtMonth.value+= ", " + frmMthSel.cboYear.options[frmMthSel.cboYear.selectedIndex].value;
function MonthPop() {
window.opener.<%=formname & "." & elementname%>.value = frmMthSel.txtMonth.value ;
<BODY BGColor="Lavender" alink="#526B84" vlink="Black" onBlur="javascript:self . focus ();">
<form name="frmMthSel" action="month_Select.asp?" method="POST">
If IsDate(Request.QueryString("Date")) Then
End If
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="80%" ID="Table2" height="300">
<TD colspan = 3 align="right" class="header"><P align="center"><FONT face="Arial" size="5"><STRONG>Select a Year</STRONG></FONT></P> </TD>
<td align="Right"><INPUT type="submit" name="Continue" value="Continue" ID="Submit4" onclick="cmdCont()"></TD>
<TD class="header" align="left" colSpan="2" height="41">
<FONT face="Arial" size="3">Through Month Of:</FONT>
<td align="right" >
<select id="cboMonth" name="MonthList" size="12">
<option selected value="01 (January)">January
<option value="02 (February)">February
<option value="03 (March)">March
<option value="04 (April)">April
<option value="05 (May)">May
<option value="06 (June)">June
<option value="07 (July)">July
<option value="08 (August)">August
<option value="09 (September)">September
<option value="10 (October)">October
<option value="11 (November)">November
<option value="12 (December)">December
<td align="right" ><strong>
<select id="cboYear" name="YearList" size="5">
<option selected value="<%= year(now())%>"> <% = year(now())%> </option>
<option value="<%= year(now()) - 1%>"> <% = year(now()) - 1%> </option>
<option value="<%= year(now()) - 2%>"> <% = year(now()) - 2%> </option>
<option value="<%= year(now()) - 3%>"> <% = year(now()) - 3%> </option>
<option value="<%= year(now()) - 4%>"> <% = year(now()) - 4%> </option>
</select> </strong>
<td align="left"><INPUT id="txtMonth" type="hidden" value="<%=strKeep%>" name="txtKeep"></td>