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Cant reinstall Win98(non-SE, non-Upgrade CD)

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Karl Blessing

Feb 25, 2000
I had to format Win98, due to a registry error from a recently installed hardware(a video card, i tried installing using the old card as well thinkin this might be the prob which it wasnt, same results), basically i got 4 partitions HDD1 (C:(formated) & E:(Backups)) HDD2(D:) when i pop in the Win98 CD, i tell it to start setup from CD(i did do fdisk /mbr prior just to get rid of any boot loader) it checks the drives, no prob there, the prob is always one of the three things<br>
1) i get a grey window, black bar on the left, with only a single icon showing, and nothing happens(like the graphical setup locked up in the process)<br>
2) it goes thru ok, but gives me a suwin error in kernel32 after the prompt of where to put win98. (sometimes it even says invalid true type font).<br>
3) it'll do the same thing as #2 cept it does it right when the graphical setup is started.<br>
one of the other things that were recently installed was a Peltier+heatsink+fan cooler onto the CPU, might be cause of some instability, but gona try putting on an old fan just to see, dont know if the temperature around here in NC is the prob(today is a record high of 85 farenheit for this early of march).<br>
any options, sugestions (i tried turn off and on the Assing IRQ to vga, just to see if that was some kinda internal prob)<br>
the old video card wasa Visiontek Geforce(SDR memory), the new video card is a Elsa Erazor X2(DDR Geforce).<br>
on a AMD K6-2/450<br>
i have the following in the card slots<br>
PnP ISA 56K modem, an ISA Tv Tuner Card(old '95 brand, runs in dos window or dos mode only),(pci from here out) Dxr3 DVD decoder card, SBlive! Platinum, empty PCI slot,the AGP slot containing the Geforce DDR<br>
i have 2 HDD as mentioned about, 2 CDroms(5xDVD/32XCDrom, and 24X Cdrom) also using that live!drive(the front volume controls for the sound card). IRq assignment in bios is set to auto, and USB and VGA has IRQ. i reinstalled not more than 2 weeks ago(wanted to do partitioning for backup purposes), and the only thing that was new was the video card, and taht peltier fan, and the higher temperature in the outside envireoment.<br>
let me know if you had similar probs, or have heard of this situation. <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@bellsouth.net>kb244@bellsouth.net</a><br><a href= </a><br>
A guy whose store i usally walk into, told me that i should try removing all the cards except for the video card, then try installing, then once windows is up and running, install each card one at a time, installing drivers one after another, (Tho i think i'll ghost, or make a hdd image of the drive if i manage to get it least up and running)<br>
i'll post again wheter this worked or not <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@bellsouth.net>kb244@bellsouth.net</a><br><a href= </a><br>
I have removed all the cards except for the video card, i've even added my old 486 230W<br>
powersupply(which is powering the Live!Drive, top CDrom, and my Peltier fan which is freezing now that it<br>
has its own direct power source) and i thought the one i already had was a 250, might be a 230 nto sure,<br>
but i'm using 2 power supplies, with only a video card in the slot, win98 still does the same thjing, i tried<br>
installing Dos 5.0 onto a fat16 partition, then installed win3.1 on top of that, then installed win95, only<br>
prob is win95 when it boots the first time, complains about missing vddvga.vxd, so i just took the vga.vxd,<br>
and drivers, from the win95 cdrom, put them in c:widnows\system, then changed in the system.ini and<br>
system.cb under that [386...] display=*vdd, vga.vxd<br>
it kinda works, windows does boot into windows, but i am imediatly faced with a bad registry error and it<br>
needs to restart in order to fix. probally due to the fact i chose SuperVGA (800x600x16 color) when<br>
installing win3.1 and that passed over to win95, i'm gona format again on just that partition, and atempt<br>
reinstalling dos5, win3.1(This time with just regular vga driver ) then to win95 upgrade, and then see if<br>
win98 can sucessfully replace the OS.<br>
also i notice something new with win98 every time i try to install it, whnen it goes back tot he command<br>
prompt, if it does, it'll say something about a Dos-Extender, i was assuming this meant it couldnt handle<br>
the fat32 partition, but since it did it on the fat16 as well, not sure anymore.<br>
heres a full descrip of the computer again just in case(all cards cept video has been removed)<br>
Elsa Erazor X2 (display , AGP , Geforce DDR), 4 IDE devices (13Gig Seagate harddrive, 10gig matrox<br>
harddrive, Creative labs 5X DVD/32Xcdrom drive, 24X BTC Cdrom), a livedrive!(used with SBlive! platinum,<br>
which is not in the computer at the moment) being powered by the 486's floppy connector, both power<br>
supplies are set to least 230W<br>
3 of the IDE devices ecept the BTC CDrom is powered by the original power supply, the BTC CDrom, peltier<br>
fan, livedrive are powered by the other power supply, board is a TMC AI5VG+ motherboard, which holds a<br>
VIA MVP3 Chipset,and a award bios thats been flashed to the lastest from TMC's website, holding 320M<br>
PC100 rams on a board that has 3 Dimms, 2 Simms, capable of 384M, CPU is a AMD K6-2/450 clocked at<br>
500(Cant be the overclocking cuz i had it clocked at this for 2 months now) the Win95 CD is an upgrade<br>
version retail boxed, before Win95a, the win98 is an OEM &quot;with new computer&quot; CD that came with the<br>
refurnished PC, the win3.1 is burned onto CD as my original diskettes are still usable from the 486, but i<br>
dont trust diskettes that old. the utility i am using to revert, change around, resize, delete, hide, activate<br>
partitions is Partition magic 5 disk 2(which has pqmagic for dos, which does just great), the bios is set to<br>
auto detect both HDD(so that the correct info is always resident in memory, and not pulled out of the<br>
CMOS info which can sometimes be wrong).<br>
Hope this is enough info. <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@bellsouth.net>kb244@bellsouth.net</a><br><a href= </a><br>
How are your hard drives partitioned? Please post FAT 16/32, size, logical drives, etc.
right at the moment, i have a C: Primary, Fat16(formax compatibility), 2Gigs, followed by some unallcoated space, then another 2gig, Fat32(backup partition) Logical, then on the second harddrive, i got a single primary partition using the entire drive, which itself is also Fat32. I know that it is important not to have more than one primary partition on a single drive, or it would either be invisible to win9x, or data loss course occur if it was visible
If I read your original post correctly you ran fdisk /mbr <i>after</i> you formatted the drive. I couldn't tell if you did a straight fdisk and unconditional format after that. Assuming you did, never mind this post.<br>
The reason I ask is because the master boot record restored by the /mbr switch can contain invalid information. I have seen some strange results (including missing primary partitions) on systems where the user read about the /mbr switch and decided to try it. Sometimes it's the best option but, often, it's a stab in the dark that can lend unpredictable results.
hehe, my problem was a defective 64M Dimm(thank god it wasnt one of the 2 128 meg dimms), but man it never told me it was bad, til i tried it by itself(figured the windows install couldnt handle 320)<br>
so now i'm up and running again. <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@bellsouth.net>kb244@bellsouth.net</a><br><a href= </a><br>
The easy is run this file c:\windows\command\scanreg/restore.exe to restore previous regestry.
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