Crystal 10
I'm using a command within a report that writes its results to a table. (Server SQL1 is production; SQL3 is development.) It works as long as the data location is SQL3 and it writes the table to SQL3. But when I try to run the report with the command on SQL1, and write the table to SQL3, I get: "The object name '' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2."
When I try to SELECT * FROM, that's fine. But statements like INTO and DROP TABLE give the qualifying error. Note that I do have write privileges on SQL3.
Any thoughts?
I'm using a command within a report that writes its results to a table. (Server SQL1 is production; SQL3 is development.) It works as long as the data location is SQL3 and it writes the table to SQL3. But when I try to run the report with the command on SQL1, and write the table to SQL3, I get: "The object name '' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2."
When I try to SELECT * FROM, that's fine. But statements like INTO and DROP TABLE give the qualifying error. Note that I do have write privileges on SQL3.
Any thoughts?