Users intermittanly cannot reconnect to their disconnected sessions (usually due to them timing out from inactivity). When a user restarts the app by clicking on the icon in web interface, instead of restarting the disconnected session, a new session starts on another server. This causes somes files, such as PSTs, to be locked since the file is in use by the disconnected session. The work-around is to manually log off the disconnected session in the CMC or for the user to wait until the disconnected session logs off in 30 minutes (although some users state that it is hours until they can use the file, indicating that the file is hung on the file server in which their profile resides). I use XPe FR3 on Win2k SP4 (reverting to SP2 or 3 not an option...). User's clients vary (6.31, 7.0, 7.1). Any ideas?