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Can't login problem on new install 2

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Jan 20, 2003
I am in the process of reinstalling our Macola software on two new servers (1 for MSSQL and the other for the Macola App.) after both our current ones suffered a major failure just before year end.

The installs appear to have worked okay. I can add new companies to the SQL server from the APP server (no workstations connected yet and won't be as we are Citrix/Term. Server based) without problem.

I just can't logon to them. The error message is Invalid Password.
When closing the login screen, the second error message appears. It says:

Execution error: file "
error code: 114, pc=0, call=0, seg=0
(Signal 11)

I have poured through the Macola site and found all the similar "error 114" articles but none resolved the problem.
The password is correct. The various .cfg files have been checked and they appear to be set up and pointing correctly.

Trying to login via PWE also fails and produces slightly different error messages that also do not pan out in the Macola infomine.

All the software used is exactly the same with these differences:

-The OS is W2K Advanced with SP4 instead of SP3
-Latest security updates installed
-The Macola version is 7.6.100 and not our modified 7.6.100a. I intend to copy over our program files after this is working.
-F9 and Crystal are currently not installed
-DSN settings are slightly different but in the current install, they don't appear to function anyway. I added a system dsn for each of the 2 databases I currently have on the new install but it makes no difference.

I have reinstalled the client several times with no changes.

I actually read all the installation instructions more than once!

Any suggestions on what else to check?
Are you installing from a mapped drive? Installing the client by browsing out to the network gives all sorts of errors - you must install from a mapped (usually M) drive. Does SQL connect OK? Can you query a table through Query Analyzer?

Peter Shirley
Yes to all.

The client was installed from the SQL Server to a mapped drive on the Macola APP server.

Can query okay.

The first thing I would check is the mapped drive issue; if that is not the issue then I would check the following

macsql.cfg - what are they server names
Name=Macola Electronics



If you changed the driver letter you used for mapping macola you will have to change this file.

If after all this then I would contact my support person (Reseller or Exact) and ask about dropping the Supervisor user in SQL and recreating it. Then run the SQL security sink from visual menu builder. There is a tech note on how to do this.

One other one got me once check your registration file, and make sure you used a SQL and not a btrieve reg disk.

Hope this helps.
Mapped drive appears to be working on both servers okay. All the cfg file point to it correctly.

The macsql.cfg is set up the same as your example and my current working copy.

I did not find a pwe.tam file in either setup.

The macola7.cfg has the last-ver... statement but not the other 2 lines. It has a lot more but is consistent with the current install.

The prosql7.cfg has the correct mapped drive letter.

I copied my current reg. file into the new install but I used an older SQL based one during the install (I believe it was the original one used when we converted to SQL)

I can't sync the database from VMB as I can't gain access to anything even in demo/guest mode. I did rebuild the supervisor password but no change.

My support with Macola is another issue. My VAR sold out to Exact effective 1/1/05 and I was not informed for more than a week later. While we are in this transposition period, I think some of my support has fallen apart.
Can you log in as any other user?

Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Exact Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
Can you log into the Progression Setup Utility as SA and verify what databases your Macola companies are directed to?

Can you install to a locally connected workstation and not a terminal server?

Have you verified that the user on the workstation has access to Common Files/Macola Shared?

You are attempting to log in on the App server, right?

Jonathan Nelson
Business Systems Analyst
Horizon Group, USA
1. Yes

2. Yes and it made no difference - same error

3. Yes, on the workstation

4. Yes

Workstation is mapped to app server.
What do you see in the SYSPASS table in the Screens database?

Jonathan Nelson
Business Systems Analyst
Horizon Group, USA
I see the setups for Demo, Guest and Supervisor. Passwords appear as expected <null> for the first two and supervisor for the later. These are the default for a new install.

I do see under pass_company the value of 0 for all three. I don't know if this is correct or not or if it is because I have not logged in yet as that user.
One other observation. The OS, W2K Advanced Server was installed with SP4 on both servers. My current (and working) OS is the same but with SP3.

Any possible issues there?
Verify each user has Public and db_owner access to the Progression databases (data_xxx, demodata, msllockdb, pwe, and screens)

We went to two server environment in 03 and I ran into some similar problems. I was able to eventually get it to work. I am not exactly sure what I did so I trying throw out what I would do now. Sorry if you have already done all this.

Jonathan Nelson
Business Systems Analyst
Horizon Group, USA
Login successful!

After getting some live help from Macola, they deleted and rebuilt the supervisor password and I was able to login to the demo company.

NEmacGuy had it line with his comment about rebuilding that password. I was trying to get that procedure. I watched him do it but I must have blinked and missed part of it.

I still have a couple of hurdles to go over before this is all done.

Thanks for the help.

I'm new to this forum and using Macola. I'm currently attempting to migrate a progression 7.6 install running on a win 2000 box using SQL 2000. I'm moving it to a Win 2K3 box using the same version of SQL. I have been having some trouble first with orphan users and then with permission issues. I think there is a document that desribes this procedure in detail on the exact website and I'm trying to get my pw but if anyone has that document and could email it to me it would be greatly appreciated.
I run across this problem all of the time at clients. The solution I found that works most often is to re-install ODBC.

The problem is an ODBC one, usually components out of sync.

Macola programmers are, to be kind, a little light-headed. They step all over ODBC and VBA, as if they are the only application on your system. Sorry, but after dealing with this stuff for 4 years straight, it's frustrating that they haven't put out a 'fix it', for these problems, but keep insisting it's something the user is doing wrong.

I'd reinstall MDAC 2.1 and up, each version after the other.

Please let me know if that fixes it. One of these days I'll post a fix-it for logon problems.

Also, if you log in from PWE, you'll see more precisely what the error might be.

BTW, to people who are running 7.5.103f, you an upgrade to the new Crystal for 7.106 and to the 7.106 F9; they work great, though I did it as a new install.

I also have a shortcut for moving Macola to a new server and a way to recover any password in the system, including Supervisor, if Macola is running and you have Flex.
I can recover Macola passwords regardless if you have Flex or not, and regardless if Macola is running or not.

Tardis, where are you located? Got an email address? I'd post mine, but every time I do someone red flags me and my post gets yanked.

Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
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