I've made forms that can execute simple SQL SELECT queries to MySQL:<br>First form:<br><FONT FACE=monospace><br><input type="text" name="sqlquery"><br></font><br>In the second form:<br><?php<br> $scx = mysql_pconnect( $server, $user, $pass );<br> $srt = mysql( $db, $sqlquery, $scx );<br>?><br></font><br>Then I go to retrieve the number of fields, of rows, and show a table with the result set contents.<br><br><b>Problem is:</b><br>If I do simple queries like "SELECT col1,col2.. FROM table WHERE any_condition", it runs perfect; but if i use "SELECT <font color=red>SUM</font>(coln) FROM ..." never runs. It gives one row with the text of the query. I can't use SUM, or AVG, or any calculated column!.<br><br>SMTIA