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Can't do an update 1

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Mar 16, 2001
i want to do an update when the session is finished or when the browser is closing how can i do that i tryed to do that by using global.asa file but it it's not working so how can i do that
Can i even do somethink when the session is closing?
Yes Interdev prepares the global.asa with Session Start, End and Application Start, End subroutines already written into the file. Usually only the Application Start Routine is uncommented because it has the database connection variables.
All you have to do is uncomment the Session End subroutine and add your own event-oriented script to it.
Does anyone has a SAMPLE of trying the suggestion from Gamera99: "add your own event-oriented script to it."
My global.asa only has this:

Sub Session_OnEnd
'Need a sample of what could go here to open a pop-up
End Sub

Thanks everyone in advance!

junebugblue, opening a popup window is something that happens on the client side, not the server side. global.asa (and any other ASP code) is server side, and therefore, you would not put such code in the global.asa file.

Wasn't this discussed in another thread?
I am not telling anyone how to make a pop-up appear when you close the browser or move to another site because they are too annoying :).

No geniune web developer would use this frustrating technique.

Gee -GTM Solutions, Home of USITE-
and to junebugblue, sorry about the other thread comment -- it was another member who had asked that question.

Gee --
If you are developing a highly interactive site with many different inputs and such... popups can be an extremely useful tool to use.

User is entering information and choosing info from a dropdown box, but their choice isn't there.

Click a button to add a new entry. <click> Popup appears... they make a new entry, and click the close button. Once that happens, the parent page refreshes and their new entry appears in the dropdown box.

This is a great way to enforce business rules by giving users a very rigid data entry method, but offering them the functionality of adding new entries to the database. All the while, you are preserving the parent page so that they don't feel like they've gone anywhere else. Keeps the focus -- preserves look and feel, etc...

Just some random thoughts, because I used to be a very hard-core anti-popup person, too... until I realized some useful areas for them. Random ad popups are definitely the worst, though. ;-)
Oh I'm not anti-popups at all. I have to agree with every word you say. What I am against is popups that appear when you leave the site or close the browser. Generally these are used by people to try and make you visit other sites as they gain revenue for the click-through. And generally the sites that pay per click are generally ones not as reputable as this. If you get my drift ;)

Gee -GTM Solutions, Home of USITE-
&quot;I am not telling anyone how to make a pop-up appear when you close the browser or move to another site because they are too annoying :).&quot;


You were talking about the annoying ones, afterall. I should read more carefully.
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