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Can't create bootable floppy

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Technical User
Oct 25, 2002
I need to flash my bios with an update. I'm trying to follow my motherboard manufacturer's directions for creating a bootable floppy. From the DOS prompt, I'm to type format a:/s

When I do so I get an error message that /s is an invalid switch. Anybody know what's going on?

I looked at the Windows help file under "create boot floppy disk" and it was talking about creating a set of four floppies.
You sound like you are trying to format the floppy from within Windows 2000 (or maybe XP). What you might do, instead, is go to a machine that is windows 95 or 98 and create your floppy there.

That set of 4 disks is really an emergency rescue disk set. Although this is good to have, you don't really want to try to do a BIOS flash with these!

If you don't have access to a windows 95 or 98 machine, then you might try
I have not used their site (so I have no advice [good or bad] about their site), but I have seen others suggest it. Mudskipper

Groucho said it best- "A four year-old child could understand this! Quick! Run out and find me a four year-old child: I can't make heads nor tails out of this!"
"You sound like you are trying to format the floppy from within Windows 2000"....Pretty good guess since you posted in the 2000 forum, huh!? LOL

I guess I get awarded the gold star of stupidity on that one, huh?! Mudskipper

Groucho said it best- "A four year-old child could understand this! Quick! Run out and find me a four year-old child: I can't make heads nor tails out of this!"
I was thinking I needed to make a bootable disk from the same OS I'm on, though I suppose while I'm flashing the bios, I'm only using DOS, so it wouldn't matter. I'm trying to download a file from the site you linked. Hope this works.
You are exactly right. When flashing the BIOS, you do not need to access your filesystem on your hard drive. Therefore, you will be fine!!

As always, before flashing a BIOS be sure to read all of the instructions first. Some will have odd, but important details in them. If you are unsure of something, please feel free to post! Mudskipper

Groucho said it best- "A four year-old child could understand this! Quick! Run out and find me a four year-old child: I can't make heads nor tails out of this!"
Does anybody know why Windows 2000 doesn't have that /s switch?

I did post earlier - but its gone missing! Mudskipper's link is good - you can certainly download an app to produce a win98 bootdisk (which if you boot from, you can produce the minimal boot disk you need - if there's not one at bootdisk.com. Ie, boot with win98 floppy and type format a: /s at a: prompt. You need a minimal boot disk so nothing else is loaded while you're doing the bios upgrade - in case it causes a failure).
Okey dokey. Have to go for the weekend, I guess if you don't hear back, all went well. Thanks for the advice and the link.
linda828 (TechnicalUser) Oct 25, 2002
"Does anybody know why Windows 2000 doesn't have that /s switch?"

Probably because Win2000 creates Setup startup disks instead.

You have to go to Start, Run, and [with the Win2000 CD in the drive] type d:\bootdisk\makeboot.exe a:. You will need 4 formatted 1.44MB floppies.
As for XP it allows making a bootable floppy. One of the options when you select format is to create a bootable floppy.
Here is a list of the files WinXP puts on a boot floppy using Format in Windows Explorer:

Volume in drive A has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 2A87-6CE1

Directory of A:
06/08/00 05:00 PM 93,040 COMMAND.COM
10/26/02 11:17 AM 0 CONFIG.SYS
06/08/00 05:00 PM 17,175 DISPLAY.SYS
06/08/00 05:00 PM 58,870 EGA.CPI
06/08/00 05:00 PM 58,870 EGA2.CPI
06/08/00 05:00 PM 58,753 EGA3.CPI
06/08/00 05:00 PM 21,607 KEYB.COM
06/08/00 05:00 PM 34,566 KEYBOARD.SYS
06/08/00 05:00 PM 31,942 KEYBRD2.SYS
06/08/00 05:00 PM 31,633 KEYBRD3.SYS
06/08/00 05:00 PM 13,014 KEYBRD4.SYS
06/08/00 05:00 PM 29,239 MODE.COM
13 File(s) 448,709 bytes
0 Dir(s) 872,448 bytes free

Booting to the floppy and typing VER shows the disk is from Windows Millenium [Version 4.90.3000] [and probably cannot access NTFS formatted hard drives].

Win2000 Windows Explorer format window for A: does not give a choice to copy System files and Add/Remove Programs doesn't show the option as it does in Win98. There is a command available in Win2000 to make a boot disk by inserting the CD, click Start, Run, and type d:\bootdisk\makeboot a: and then click OK. This creates the Setup disks [4 formatted floppies needed] and can actually be done from any version of Windows or even DOS with CD support. It's detailed in Win2000 and can be read by going to Help and typing in bootdisk.
Flashing a BIOS has nothing at all to do with accessing an NTFS partition.You need a disk that will boot the machine and allow loading the flash utility.
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