I've had 8.6 working fine across the network backing up 4 servers from one media server. However the backup failed last night - log file says it couldn't connect to the servers - there was a problem with one of the switches on the network last night but that has been sorted now.
Now when I try to get in to backup exec, it asks me to connect to the media server - it started by asking me to connect to one of the other servers (which runs an old copy of Backup exec), I have made sure all the services are turned off. It has never done this before, and the media server is local - and now if I put in the location as the local machine it just tries but doesn't get any where - any ideas ??
I've had 8.6 working fine across the network backing up 4 servers from one media server. However the backup failed last night - log file says it couldn't connect to the servers - there was a problem with one of the switches on the network last night but that has been sorted now.
Now when I try to get in to backup exec, it asks me to connect to the media server - it started by asking me to connect to one of the other servers (which runs an old copy of Backup exec), I have made sure all the services are turned off. It has never done this before, and the media server is local - and now if I put in the location as the local machine it just tries but doesn't get any where - any ideas ??