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Can't browse workgroup 1

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Jan 23, 2002
I have about 3 dozen workstations in a workgroup. Last week I found I was unable to browse the local network. All boxes are Win2k Pro except for 1 WinXP Pro machine. I can still access mapped network drives but when I try to browse the workgroup I get the following message:

<workgroup name> is not accessible.
The network name cannot be found.

I can see my workgroup when I go to “Computers Near Me” under “My Network Places” or can navigate to it via “Entire Network” but when I click on the workgroup itself I get the above message.

I have unplugged all workstations at the patch panel except for 2 machines for a network of 2 boxes. One with all the shared folders and another for a client. I rebooted those 2 and waited almost 1 hour for master browser to be decided then tried again. Same message.
Any ideas of what is going on…or not going on would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

Can you see the other PCs in the browse.
If you can see the PC, but cannot expand it...
1. Have you shared the drive?
2. Does the user have access to that PC (i.e. are they a user on that PC?)


Thanks for the response GlennA;

I can see the workgroup name but when I try to expand it I get the error I posted above. The entire drive is not shared but many folders are and they are accessible by the other users (clients). I can even map any folder I want but as soon as I try to browse I get the error.
This setup has worked flawlessly for more than a year until one or two weeks ago. I rarely browse so I'm not sure exactly when it started.

Another thing to check is which machine is the Master Browser. There is a Microsoft KB article on how to force a machine to be a master browser, but I don't remember the number off hand.

It could be that designated PC is having issues.


Could not make out if u r having the same prob on all the machines?? If so I would check your DNS and see if you can ping the machines cause if u cant then ur running off netbios. If it is just one machine then I would suggest checking for any firewall software installed on it. Had a prob one day with NAV firewall install on a pc and had the same probs ur having but only on the machine where the software was installed.

Try something dumb but harmless...
Add the username to the PC you cannot browse.
Go to the PC you want to browse from...re login and try again.

I have found that on XP browse and shares often do not work if the user is not on the XPs user list. GlennA

It's not exactly that I cannot browse a particular PC rather I cannot browse my workgroup...at all! I have a box which is a Norton Anti-virus server. When I add a new client, I have to browse to identify it. That's when I discovered the problem. As I mentioned, I can access any machine on the network i.e. ping, map drive, anything that doesn't require browse.
I would like restrict Master Browser functions to 2 or 3 boxes. More manageable and election problems would be easier to track down. If anyone has a pointer to such an article I would appreciate it.


Are we all stumped? Nah, too many smart people here.
Did I not articulate my problem well enough? Could be.
Am I trying to keep this post on the first page because this problem is rather important to me? Definitely!
Do I appreciate those who have already taken the time to respond? Absolutly!!

Try setting up a WINS server and WINS client.
Also make sure the server DNS is at the top of the TCP/IP list.

I had this exact problem yesterday with a client.
Sounds dumb (WINS with XP), but what GOD BILL decrees we are but bound to obey. GlennA

Disabling the Computer Browser service on your PCs will stop them trying to be Browse Masters - just leave it on automatic for as many as you want to be able to do it. As long as at least one it on, the rest will be able to browse.

Your problem smacks of name resolution - if you can go to Start\Run and enter \\ and get a connection, but cannot enter \\Wkstn9 and get one (ie, if TCP/IP works and name does not), then that's your problem. As has been suggested, you would need a DNS or a WINS setup to save yourself having to put host files on all the PCs (*ptooey* wash my mouth out).
Thanks for the replies...

I can ping and map network drives using netbios names, e.g., ping Wkstn9 or net send Wkstn9 Hello. I do not have to use IP address. All workstations have mapped network drives using netbios names and automatically connect on startup. This still works as advertised. I am connected to a Wins Server

Find and open lmhosts.sam on the work station.
Add the server ip and domain as a new line on the bottom...


The exact format is in the lmhosts file itself.
Save the new file as lmhosts with no extension.

REboot and try.

If that does not work try
ip address &quot;domain name \0x1b&quot; #PRE

If that does not work wipe the system and reinstall. GlennA

Did you ever resolve this issue? I am having the same exact problem that you mentioned. I can ping and access using computer names but cannot browse. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, sort of but the answer is not what you what to hear. It just started working! My guess is that because the browser election is such a time consuming and mystical process, I had to wait until the machine that WAS Master Browser and giving me problems lost it's master browser duties most likely by being rebooted. My machines are scattered and I wasn't able to force a re-election by say, rebooting all of them within the same time period.

Here are a few links that might be useful:
I have the same problem, I tried changing the name of my workgroup and that worked for a while and then it stopped. It is very strange, everything networky works( ping, a run command to a share either b IP or Name)apart from a straightforward browse the workgroup. It isn;t a major problem, just annoying and it makes setting up network printers and difficult.

I am only using TCP/IP on my network and have a DHCP server in the form of a hardware firewall which all works fine. Anyone get a definitive answer to what the problem is?

Do you have a domain controller of any sort ? or a worstation that is always on ?
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