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can't boot the first time, must reset 1

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Technical User
Sep 29, 2003
ok, i will have to explain my situation to better illustrate the problem.

my specs are:

althon 1Ghz (TB)
kingston 256 ddr 400
abit nv7 (nforce2)
geforce 5700 (mbga)
sb live value
3com NIC
winxp sp1 (simplified chinese)

well, all of the things were working nicely during the winter (ambient heat 20-25 C), then, it came summer, where the ambient heat rised to around 30-35 C. then, the pc starts to crash when i play 3d games.

i am somewhat sure that it is the video card crashing, because:

1) when it crash, the screen just goes black, and from my monitor's LED, it means no signal. usually, when my cpu crash, the screen would freeze, but it won't turn black.

2) it only happens when i play 3d games, yes, even old dx7 games. i tried using the pie program burning the cpu, and the pc did not crash.

well, it was just occasianally crashing, then, one day, the card decides to crash, then when i restart the pc, the monitor just show no-signal. well, after looking here and there without any luck, i hit reset, and the computer starts to boot (meaning showing stuff on screen). it would not boot if i just turn the power on.

my question is, is there a way to realy know if it is the video card crashing? and, why is it that i have to hit the reset buton to let the pc boot?

you can use jargon or more technical terms.

The best way to be sure if this is a video card issue would be to remove your video card and replace it with a new, if even inexpensive video card. Before that you may want to re-install the most recent drivers for your video card. Because it may also be a temperature issue verify that your internal fans are working including the ones on the cpu, video card and inside the case as applicable; also see if you have dust building up inside your case. Just be sure to take the neccessary ESD precautions if you dont already know, when opening your PC's case.
thanks for replying, the problem fo me is that i don't have anohter 3d card, the 2d card i have would not run most 3d applications.
that's not a problem, ur just plugging in the 2d one to test that the system works...

if it works fine with the 2d one then u know it's the 3d gfx that's broke...

of course, I would DEFINITELY recommend you get more cooling in your system! Because if it's getting hot enough to crash your system, then it's hot enough to do PERMENANT damage to some very critical and probably expensive parts of your system!
KUSAZERO - you've hit the problem right on... it is a temperature build up in the system, mainly the GFX CARD, there are companies that sell aftermarket cooling fans for gfxcards that are better than the ones installed... it would be also highly advisable to install a few more case fans in order to remove the heat from the case...

in my PC I have two fans (besides the PSU fan) that carry heat outward and two fans (up front) carrying in fresh air...

KUSAZERO - after rereading your post, I would also suggest that you get yourself a better PSU and one with lots of ooommmphhh! 400watts or more... what you are experiencing is a phenomena called COLD-BOOT and which mostlikely is caused by a failing or underpowered PSU...

another thing you should do is to download the latest NFORCE CHIPSET DRIVERS as they take care of a lot of probs that have arissen lately with mobo's containing the NFORCE chipsets...

BBB, thanks for the heads up, i did had a feeling that the power supply might not be giving enough power, although it is a 300w PSU, but i bought it before they came out with these new cards, and i did add 2 fans to the case, and bought a dvd-burner.

but then, the problem start occuring during the summer, but i did touch my GFX card whenit crashed, but i don't feel THAT much hotter.

and i did recall, way back then, when i overclock my GF2, when it crashed, it also freezes, and will not cut off the display signal.

Kusazero, 300 watts is a bit low, especially considering that modern gfx cards use up to 75 watts alone!!! about the heat, well I am not sure but I can't tell by touching a component if it has 50 C or if it has 60 C, get my point, it can be just a few degrees that could cause your probs... mostlikely the prob arises in the RAM as they aren't usually cooled, and modern cards have a shut off function that hits at a certain temp... GF2 cards didn't have this and thus locked up the system (I know I got an old one aswell and a GeForce 5600)...

suggestion - after replacing the PSU to a more powerful one, download the latest display drivers (56.72 from nVidia), then the latest nForce drivers aswell,

install the nForce drivers fist (DO NOT install the IDE-Miniport drivers but install the IDE-Filterdrivers (nVidia nForce MCP2 IDE Controller); then install the new display drivers (56.72 or above)... this should alleviate many probs... go here for more info on the probs with nForce2 chipsets: (i hope it's not just in German) and look for NFORCE2 Config-Guide...

hope this helps...

i am planning to buy a new PSU anyway, the fan is giving me a headache.

about the drivers, i installed latest oficial drivers (used to install betas back then, but, i am not that young and adventurous anymore). FYI, i did installed the 2 drivers you mentioned, AND the miniport driver as well.

as for the guide, can't find an english version, and doesn't really help after using bablefish or google's translation service :(

but, i doubt it is driver related, been using the same configuration for 2-3 months before the problem occurs. since you said 300w is no enough, i am more towards power problem, since the spec for the PSU is MAX 300w, not constant 300W

thanks for the info
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