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Can't Auto-initiate channel on new server

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Mar 4, 2003
Hi everyone,

I have a system running MQ client 5.3 talking to an MQ Server 5.3. The client uses this MQ environment variable:- MQSERVER=Auto-Initiated/TCP/'xx.xx.xx.xx(port)'

That all works fine and as been for a number of years. I've now been told by the powers that be that the server must be replaced. So we've built a new shiny v6 MQ server. After various problems I seem to have it 95% working, but I have had to create a specific client channel on the server and amend the environment variable to:- MQSERVER=CHANNELNAME/TCP/'xx.xx.xx.xx(port)'

When I try and use the previous environemnt variable I get an error on the server (Windows 2003/MQ 6) of:-

"Channel program 'Auto-Initiated' ended abnormally.

Look at previous error messages for channel program 'Auto-Initiated' in the error files to determine the cause of the failure."

and the previous message is:-

"The filesystem returned error code 2101 for file 'Auto-Initiated'.

Record the name of the file 'Auto-Initiated' and tell the systems administrator, who should ensure that file 'Auto-Initiated' is correct and available."

If anyone has the faintest idea what it might be I'd really appreciate it. I have the tiniest amount of MQ understanding possible for someone that has had a system runnig for about 7 years!!!

Thanks to everyone who views this, especially anyone who responds!

IIRC you have to restart the client machine before the change to the MQSERVER variable takes effect.

I could be wrong, but I would give it a shot.
Thanks Kevin, but I've restarted the box on numerous occasions. I know it picks up the new variabls as if I move from the Auto-initiated to the static channel name to starts work and vice versa :-(

Any other ideas anyone?
This may sound a little obvious but...have you defined the SRVRCONN channel on the server correctly?
Excuse my ignorance, but what is the SVRCONN? And would the connection work OK without it if I was defining a channel, but not if I was trying to auto-initiate?
A SRVCONN is a channel type defined on the QMGR that you want to client in to. You will need one defined before you are able to Client connect to the qmgr.


No I've definitely got one of those the ;-)

The issue isn't that I can't connect. I can connect perfectly well when I use a defined channel. However when I try and use auto-initiated channels it all falls down.
OK...next thing....look to see that the QMGR has Channel Auto Definition enabled.
You need to do a display QMGR and check that the value for CHAD is enabled...if not...then enable it and try again.
Sorry, I've been out of teh office for a few days. back now. What is a SYSTEM.AUTO.SVRCONN definition? Where do I check, and how do I create one if there isn't one? Sorry for being a nuisance.
Run a RUNMQSC and input

display channel(SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN)

It should be created when the queue manager is but it may have been deleted on your system to prevent client attachments.

Do you know if you are using SSL?
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