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cant add menu to main window

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Aug 7, 2002

I created this menu from an example generated with
VisualTcl but there is a problem: I can't insert the menu
in the main window, I am obliged to create a new window (window2)
and to put the menu .window2.m61 in it.

I also don't want to use tools like "menubutton" or "iwidgets::menubar"
because they are not especially beautiful and don't look like other
Windows32 standards menus, unlike the one below.

Could someone help me please? I only would like to have one window with
the menu, not too!

#may, the 15th 2002

toplevel .window2 -class Toplevel -menu ".window2.m61"

wm minsize .window2 300 300

menu .window2.m61 -activeborderwidth 1 -borderwidth 1 -disabledforeground #a3a3a3 -selectcolor #b03060 -tearoff 1

.window2.m61 add cascade -menu ".window2.m61.men63" -label file
menu .window2.m61.men63 -activeborderwidth 1 -borderwidth 1 -disabledforeground #a3a3a3 -selectcolor #b03060 -tearoff 0
.window2.m61.men63 add cascade -menu ".window2.m61.men63.men64" -label {file cascade}
menu .window2.m61.men63.men64 -activeborderwidth 1 -borderwidth 1 -disabledforeground #a3a3a3 -selectcolor #b03060 -tearoff 0
.window2.m61.men63.men64 add command -command exit -label {exit 1}
.window2.m61.men63.men64 add command -command {#exit 2 command} -label {exit 2}

.window2.m61 add checkbutton -variable menuCheck -command exit -label {menu check}

.window2.m61 add cascade -menu ".window2.m61.men62" -label help
menu .window2.m61.men62 -activeborderwidth 1 -borderwidth 1 -disabledforeground #a3a3a3 -selectcolor #b03060 -tearoff 0
.window2.m61.men62 add command -command {#about 1 command} -label {about 1}
.window2.m61.men62 add command -command {#about 2 command} -label {about 2}

# ------- end of file here -----------------------------------------

Also, another question, when I mix a C program and a TCL script is there a way to hide
the "DOS" window that appears (I think it is tlc_init who launches the interpreter window)
and to keep only the GUI visible?

Thanks a lot for your answers!

Here is a working example with a menu on the main window.
  . config -menu .mb
  menu .mb -type menubar
  .mb add cascade -label File -underline 0 -menu .mb.file
  menu .mb.file -type normal -tearoff 0
  .mb add cascade -label Edit -underline 0 -menu .mb.edit
  .mb.file add command -label New -underline 0 -command cmdnew -accelerator Ctrl-n
  .mb.file add command -label Open -underline 0 -command cmdopen -accelerator Ctrl-o
  .mb.file add command -label Save -underline 0 -command cmdsave -accelerator Ctrl-s
  .mb.file add separator
  .mb.file add command -label Quit -underline 0 -command exit -accelerator Ctrl-x
  menu .mb.edit -type normal -tearoff 0
  pack [frame .main]
  pack [scrollbar .main.scroll -command { .main.text yview }] -side right -fill y
  pack [text .main.text -yscrollcommand { .main.scroll set }]
  bind .main.text <Control-n> cmdnew
  bind .main.text <Control-o> cmdopen
  bind .main.text <Control-s> cmdsave
  proc cmdnew {} { .main.text delete 0.1 end }
  proc cmdopen {}   {
    set fn [tk_getOpenFile]
    if {$fn != &quot;&quot;}     {
      set h [open $fn r]
      while {![eof $h]} { .main.text insert end [gets $h]\n }
      close $h
  proc cmdsave {}   {
    set fn [tk_getSaveFile]
    if {$fn != &quot;&quot;}     {
      set h [open $fn w]
      set max [lindex [split [.main.text index end] .] 0]
      for {set i 1} {$i < $max} {incr i}       { puts $h [.main.text get $i.0 $i.end] }
      close $h

Good luck!

I think that all your difficulties lied in the first line:
. config -menu .mb

Yes that worked fine! thanks a lot! That was what I was looking for...
C ya!
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