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Can't Access My Website!

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Dec 11, 2003
Well, I have Apache 1.3.7/PHP 4.3.0 up and running w/ MySQL and PHPMyAdmin succesfully, thanks all to RhythmAce, i mean seriously dude, you are a lifesaver. But, I am having problems. First of all, I am connected on a network. Do I type in my Computers IP Address, or the IP of my router, which I have configured for port forwarding, to access my webpage. Whichever I do, I get a "Forbidden" message. And also, I inly says that message on my computer. If I try it on another it says the internet explorer DNS error page. I'm not quite sure I have apache configured to listen for an HTTP request right. Need some help, please!
FLASHfreak :cool:
not feeling so good... This is all so confusing, but I'm motivated, only because free webservices stink. Flash for Life!
It says something like:


You do not have permission to access / on this server


Apache/1.3.27 Server at localhost Port 80

Its a 403 Error I guess...
Which package did you end up installing? Was it the one from firepages or the one from devside? I seem to remember the one from fireside likes to keep rewriting the httpd.conf file. I only used it to check the istall process a year ago or so and had it on one of my windows boxes for a couple days so I don't know a whole lot about it. If this is not the case, can you copy and paste the vhost section of httpd.conf here so we can check to see if you have everything configured correctly. You can edit the domain name if you want but sometimes it helps if we can see what a request is doing from our end and to see if we get different errors. You should be able to access your website(s) by using the ulr of the sub-domain from anywhere on your local network. Some routers don't allow pass-through traffic. If this is your problem, try enabling PPTP and IPSec. The protocol and ports are tcp/1723 and udp/500 respectively. Some people say if you add the ip and hostname to hosts or lmhosts that it will start working. If these don't exist, there may be sample files called hosts.sam and lmhosts.sam. Sorry I'm not helping much here but my kids own the win boxes and they won't let me play with 'm.
Hi mate,

Your error means that there is no directoryindex document. Try adding an index.html to the directory where Apache is calling the files from.

Hope this helps


The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
Ok, I just created it, so it may take a while (5 mins) to be recognized by the DNS servers. Its URL is:

This will take you to my router, which is set to forward you to port 80 on (my computers static IP), which hopefully apache will respond to.

Right now my server hours are:
6:30 AM to 10:00 PM
this is only due to I don't fell like leaving my computer on all night.
What do you mean "timing out"

On AOL I get a 502 Connection Hangup Message, but on Microsoft Internet Explorer, it works fine!?!?!?! Wait, if your timing out, it means you are conneting, but the server times you out. Should I edit the timeout in httpd.conf somewhere?

FLASHfreak :)
- The Flash Experience
When I do a dig or ping of tfetest.no-ip.com, I get the same ip which means dns is working. However, there doesn't seem to be anything responding at that address. If you are seeing your site locally then apache is running. I can think of two things that may be happening. One is that no-ip is using a different port such as 8080 or your router is not configured properly. By the way, you do restart apache every time you edit httpd.conf don't you?
Well, I go into the service monitor and restart the dev4_432 service, and that has an effect every time I change it, so, yes, I think I do. I heard that a lot of ISP's block port 80? Is this true? Ok, but I took your advice, and went to no-ip.com, and changed the mode to port 80 redirect, and entered in port 80 for the port, now I can only hope it works! Thanks you guys, you know everything!

FLASHfreak :)
- The Flash Experience
Some providers do block port 80. You can get a free port scanner at the link below. If port 80 is indeed being blocked, go to the port that no-ip recommends. When I click on your link, my browser just times out. Make sure the same port is being used by no-ip, your router (port forwarding) and httpd.conf (Listen directive). Also make sure the ServerName is correct. There should be no http:// in front of tfetest.no-ip.com and of course no www. Ok heres that link:
Is 8080 open? You can pick a number out of thin air and if it isn't being used, you should be able to use it. Just remember to make the changes everywhere, no-ip, router and httpd.conf.
I clicked on today just to see if you ever got your website up and I got a "connection refused" error. Up until today it would just time out. You must still be monkeying with it eh?
Okay, I am back from NY :), went there to see a cousin over the weekend, and came back today. I havn't been working on Apache, but it has been up. Today, I re-installed it, then installed mod_perl/5.1. Now, I set Apache on port 8080, set it to listen on 8080, set my router to forward 8080 to (my computers static IP), but its still the connection hangup. I know this because it comes up when I use AOL. I have to keep AOL running all the time now, bacause every time I sign on, it resets my IP Address :-(. Enough with the rambling. Any help will be great, I will post a link to my httpd.conf if anyone wants to take a look at it to make sure I configured correctly. Thanks Everyone!

FLASHfreak :)
- The Flash Experience
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