I've refilled my original cartridges that came with the printer once. Yesterday, the printer started printing strangely: when I'd print color, it would print regularly, then go really, really slowly. When I looked at the printout, only 1/4 of the page had printed. I checked the cartridges and found that the black and magenta were completely empty. (The printer didn't warn me of that because I had already refilled them once, thereby disabling the ink-low warnings.) I refilled the two cartridges but still only 1/4 of the page prints in color and it goes really super slowly after printing a part of the page. Also, it complains that the magenta is completely out of ink. I clicked OK on the printer to override, but it still prints as described above. Also, the LED-light on the magenta cartridge itself is flashing.
Any ideas / fixes? If I buy real, brand name cartridge$, will that fix my issue (for now)?
Any ideas / fixes? If I buy real, brand name cartridge$, will that fix my issue (for now)?