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Cannot shadow in MetaframeXP 1

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Jul 17, 2003
We installed a MetaframeXp a while back and have not been able to shadow. We talked to Citrx about this a while back and they think we did not install MetaframeXP properly. Apparently there is a question about shadowing and if you don't answer it correctly (while doing the install) you will not be able to shadow and must totally reinstall to correct. The funny thing is that none of the shadowing options are not "grayed" out like they thought they would be if we didn't install that option correctly.

While talking to support, they said alot of people were making this mistake while doing the install and there was no way to fix other than doing the a reinstall. Have they come out with a patch that will fix this problem? It seems they would (or should) if alot of people have made this mistake. It seems kind of stupid to only give you one chance to activate this option.

I guess this is one reason to hire a Citrix certified person to help with installs. LOL.
I am sure you have already checked this, but are you trying to shadow the session from the console or from another Citrix session? You can only shadow when you are in a client session yourself.

BTW - I have seen lots of stupid stuff with Citrix. Those guys are on crack or something. Great technology, but the resounding theme in my head is "What were they thinking?" somethimes I just gotta shake my head.
Thanks for your responses.

Its been a while since I played around with this this so I don't remember everything I tried and Citrix support had me try.

First off, I am trying to shadow from my session, not the console.

From the Citrix Management console, if I click on a user, the shadow option is grayed out. I think where the confusion (on Citrix's part) was that the shadowing options are available when creating or editing a policy. They thought those options wouldn't be available if we installed the Metaframe software incorrectly. But if I create a policy that allows shadowing, give myself access to shadow for that policy, assign that policy to a user, I still cannot shadow that user when they connect.

If I try to start the Shadow Taskbar (from the Metaframe Toolbar) I get a message that says "The ICA client is needed for this utility and is not installed, do you wish to install it now?" If I answer yes I get a message that says "Cannot find the setup program for the ICA client, please reinstall the ICA client and run the application again."

I hope this helps explain things.


What Citrix told you was correct. If you want to Shadow i'm afraid you will have to set it all up again, we had exactly the same problem.

Everybody who attends a course or reads manuals knows that the Shadowingchoice made during instalation irriversible is so there is no need to create a patch because this impossibilty is a feature and not a bug!!
If the shadow option is grayed out in CMC it's because the client wasn't installed with the server, Install the Ica client on the server and you'll be able to shadow. Another way to verify this is to install the CMC on your local
workstation and see it the shadow option is grayed out. I had the same issue and this fixed it.
Refer to CTX101483
Jimb55 - Good call. That fixed the problem. I can't believe (OK maybe I can) that I actually paid Citrix for a support call, but it took you guys (for free) to help fix it.

Thanks, this should make my life a little easier.
Here are a couple things to look at.
1)If you are in an AD environment is the user's account configured to allow shadowing/interacting with their environment.
2)Is the resolution that they are running in greater than that of the server console or the session you are trying to shadow from.
3)Try installing the CMC on your workstation and see if you get the same results.
4)Check to see if you have any other applications on the system that installed a java JRE other than the one that came with your respective feature release(oracle, apc, etc.)
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