What happens if you run usrck -n username ( what errors does it report) if any?
Is anything listed in errpt -a | pg
Is your system running low on any resources , sar -v 4 4
or check using topas
I am wondering why I cannot execute shell ....I still have problem to su an user:
caanot set process environnement.
I ve run fsck on the fs of usr but still get the error.
If I run usrck -n xx : i get the following output.
3001-612 User xx has a non-existent
or inaccessible home directory /home/xx.
3001-611 User xx has a non-existent
or nonexecutable login shell /usr/bin/ksh.
3001-621 The authentication program /usr/lib/drivers/pse/x29d -p
for user xx does not exist or is nonexecutable.
su user
to keep your enviromnment
and check
cd /home/xx ; pwd
/usr/lib/drivers/pse/x29d -p
it will reveal invalid permissions
if not - read further
pwdchecks Defines external password restriction methods used when checking new passwords. The format is a comma-separated list of absolute path names to methods and/or method path names relative to /usr/lib. A password restriction method is a program module that is loaded by the password restrictions code at runtime. All password restriction methods and directories should be write protected from everyone except root. The default is valueless, which is equivalent to no external password restriction methods.
Perhaps someone edited the password file with vi to create users? Or changed permissions, or did not select the correct defaults when they created the user?
The command su - user_name returns with the following message:
3004-505 Cannot set process environment
These symptoms are caused by the user not being able to execute the login shell (ksh, csh, or bsh, depending upon which is being used) or by a permissions problem in the home directory path.
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