I have a form I'm writing with a tabbed pageFrame.
From the form's init procedure I make a call to a procedure in the main .prg in the project and it tries to determine the enabled status of the command buttons inside a page of the pageFrame. Unfortunately, the program keeps saying "Object FRMMAINMENU does not exist." Actually I've tested it and the type is "U" (unknown type) for:
I've tried every angle and alternative but can't seem to grasp what I did wrong. The control is there.
I doubt that this is a problem, but I do have identically named command buttons on different pages of the frame.
From the form's init procedure I make a call to a procedure in the main .prg in the project and it tries to determine the enabled status of the command buttons inside a page of the pageFrame. Unfortunately, the program keeps saying "Object FRMMAINMENU does not exist." Actually I've tested it and the type is "U" (unknown type) for:
I've tried every angle and alternative but can't seem to grasp what I did wrong. The control is there.
I doubt that this is a problem, but I do have identically named command buttons on different pages of the frame.