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Cannot remove data module??

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Nov 3, 2004
OK, I have read through all the data module threads I could find before posting this, but I could not see any reason for my issue. I have a G3R, software version 12i.01.1.414.1.

I know I need to disable the link associated with the data module, and I believe this must be done via the change data-module screen. When I do that, here is what I initially get:
change data-module 4098                                         Page   1 of   1
                               DATA MODULE

  Data Extension: 4098            Name: police
            Type: procr-intf       COS: 1     Maintenance Extension: 4099
Physical Channel: 04               COR: 1        Destination Number:
             ITC: restricted        TN: 1      Establish Connection? n
            Link: 4            DTE/DCE: dte   Connected Data Module:
                           Enable Link? n


ASSIGNED MEMBER ( Station with a data extension button for this data module )

         Ext      Name (first 26 characters)

Link number must be the same as the physical channel number

Notice the error code on the bottom about the link and physical channel. They are the same, so I am not sure what the problem is. I can busyout the data module, but I cannot busyout the link, because it also says the link must be disabled before I can busy it out.

Based on what I can see, there is no use for the module. Here is the link info:
                               LINK/PORT STATUS

                 Link Number: 4
                 Link Status: out-of-Service
                   Link Type: bx.25
                   Link Name: police
       Service Port Location: 01AXX4
 Service Port Data Extension: 4098
               Service State: in-service/idle
                     Enabled? yes
            Maintenance Busy? no
             Active Channels: 0

                                CONNECTED TO:

            Destination:                        Destination Port:
     Destination Status:                   Destination Extension:

I am sure I am missing something, but I cannot for the life of me figure it out. I have been at this since Monday morning (I took Christmas off), and it keeps coming back to the data module, and me not being able to change anything, because of the link and channel error.

Any ideas?? Please let me know if you need more info, I tried to be as complete in my post as possible.

Thanks in advance.

Scott M.
Try 'change communication-interface link'. For link 4 change the Enabled field to 'n'.

I get a "Use the data-module command to administer communication-interface links" message.

Thanks for the suggestion, but no go!
I already tried that, but that is when I get the "Link number must be the same as the physical channel number" error code.

The system will not let me set it to no, because for some reason it thinks the link and physical channel are not the same. I have tried to change the link number and physical channel back to four, but no matter what I change, it always gives me the same message.
What about the proc channel? if you "display communication-interface processor-channels" does the link info match up there?
Here is what I get with that command:
                        PROCESSOR CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT
Proc                 Gtwy      Interface         Destination      Session   Mach
Chan Enable   Appl.   To  Mode Link/Chan       Node       Port  Local/Remote ID
  1:   n                                                  0
  2:   n                                                  0
  3:   n                                                  0
  4:   n                                                  0
  5:   n                                                  0
  6:   n                                                  0
  7:   n                                                  0
  8:   n                                                  0
  9:   n                                                  0
 10:   n                                                  0
 11:   n                                                  0
 12:   y    dcs                 3   12                    0      12    12    3
 13:   n    dcs                 4   13                    0      13    13    5
 14:   n                                                  0
 15:   n                                                  0
 16:   n                                                  0

These are the only two assigned. This is a little over my head at this point, as I am not sure how the two are tied together. I would appreciate any additional input you can provide.

Also, I get this when I look at the communication links. I believe this is the one I am trying to deal with:
display communication-interface links                           Page   1 of   6

                                INTERFACE LINKS
Link Enab Est Ext      Type  Dest.      DTE/ Conn.   Name
          Conn               Number     DCE  Module
  1:  y   n   2446     ETHER                         clan_CH01_port17
  2:  n   n
  3:  y   n   2204     BX25             DTE
  4:  y   n   4098     BX25             DTE          police

Link 4 is the one I am trying to remove.

On the processorinterface channel screen remove all of the translations on line 13 (Link 4).

When I try that the system tells me I must disable the communication link associated with this channel. When I try to disable the link (4), I am told I have to do it at the data module screen. When I try to disable it at the data module screen, (see post #1)...

I feel like I am running in circles.

Thanks for the suggestions and advice so far, I really do appreciate it.

haven't done much with DCS but what if you busy out the data mod and then try to disable it

also as 4meravaya says remove the translations from the comm int link page

also check the signalling groups for link 4
OK, for some reason this time when I did a busy out of the data module, then set the enable field to n, it took.

I swear I did this several times on Monday, with no luck.

Thanks for all the suggestions and tips. Regardless of what it was, it is gone now.


Thats how it's meant to work.

I apologize for not catching it before. You have to busy the datamod to make the changes you were trying to make.

That it always the case.
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